Thread: Sprite Rips
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TaZaR is doing well so far

Dec 29, 2005, 03:27 PM
TaZaR is offline
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TaZaR: Let me see if I understand. One of your arguments is as follows:
MSPaint is better than PSP because it doesn't blur things. I know PSP doesn't have to blur things, but then it's just as functional as MSPaint.
Hmm? Wait, maybe I'm explained myself incorrectly. So my statement is that, PSP is better the almost everything than PSP, but if you spriting you won't need those things (for example it's not good if you use that brush for pixeling, it's not even pixeling), just the ones Paint can do (with few exeptions), and it's even faster, because it's not using so much system resources, and even loads faster. This is why I prefer MSPaint for sprite editing. (not for every drawing method)
Yeah, I don't have much of a use for layers, but I know I'd have a lot of trouble doing anything at all if I was limited to three undos.
I'm always copy paste the sprite before I start to make some huge chances. By the way, why more than 1-2 undo is needed? You placing every pixel where you want, so you can't make big mistakes, not like with freehand drawn. And even if you make one, you can reload, which is not much time in mspaint.

I imagine it would be a complicated process of saving and reloading the image every time I thought about adding anything. And not having a palette or a simple "replace color" function would be pretty painful.
I'm using idraw for it. And even opening mspaint & idraw is much faster for me, than PSP. I'm drawing the palette to the picture, so I can use it in paint something like in psp.
By the way, I'm still not saying MSPaint is better than PSP. My point is MSPaint has enough stuffs to make good sprites (with a little help of some other programs), and it's faster than PSP.

There's a replace color function in MSPaint. Select the color you want to replace, right-click select on the color you want to replace with, sselect eraser, and right-click drag over the part you want to replace.
I ment replacing the colors in a palette, not in the drawing.