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Doubble Dutch

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Doubble Dutch is doing well so far

Nov 10, 2006, 05:29 PM
Doubble Dutch is offline
Not yet, not yet; Derby and Fquist haven't arrived yet...

*Chapter 21: heating up*

Spaz stared at the column of color with a frown on his face. Maybe this was a natural phenim- phenonom- thing for this time of year, and maybe it wasn't, but Kira was worried and nervous, squawking discontentedly and preening her wings. If he hadn't got such an important job to do sheer curiosity would've almost drawn him to the spot. As it was he felt a strange compulsion to be there, like he'd forgotten his birthday party again. On the other hand it could take hours to get back up to the lodge and-

Suddenly Spaz noticed that the ground was no longer beneath his feet where it usually was. Nor was it at the end of his nose, or above his head. It was, in fact, rapidly falling beneath him as the landscape unfolded around him. A quiet flapping noise alerted him to the fact that he was now beneath Kira and that she was, with difficulty dragging him higher and higher into the air. In this situation most people would either panic or admire the view. Spaz had seen enough view already, and as he was normally half panicked anyway, he spent most of his time trying to pick a feather out of his teeth. "What a great idea Kira! We'll be back in no time! They won't even know we're- hey, wait! we're passing it! No! Down! Down! Wait! Go back! Help! Rabbitnap!"

* * *

Below the rapidly rising rabbit the Queen was coughing and spluttering while Admiral Ducat stared at the spilt carrot juice, prodding it with his finger. "I...I... what?" The Queen spat angrily, splattering the wall with red. "Somebody is going to hang for this! When I find out who-!" She strode across the room and kicked the door, it bent slightly, then flew off of its hinges. Spaz had disappeared. "SPAZZ JACKRABBIT! If you don't have a (-) good reason for-" A yell from above caught her attention. Curses! "ADMIRAL! We are going to sort this out NOW She strode toward the ship they'd arrived in. The admiral followed hurriedly. "Emalia! Wait! Get dressed first!"

* * *

Jazz sneezed. This was because a drop of water propelled by the wind had lodged itself right up his nose. He was not to know it, but this was the first sneeze caused by a drop of water for exactly 78 years on Carrotus. Such are the strange ways of fate. He stared at the darkening sky through the barred window. The palace was terrible with draughts when it got windy. What made it worse was that his fear of clothing [He'd got tangled in a sweater at age three and never fully recovered.] meant that he hated wrapping up warm. There was only one place to be at a time like this and that was near a nice hot fire with a cup of hot coca. [But not too close, there was nothing worse than singed fur.] Eva bustled past. "Man, the weather took a turn for the worst fast huh? They even say there are some lightning fires downtown. Good thing someone alerted the civil defense forces."

Jazz noticed Lori, hand still bandaged from the morning's events heading outside on a hoverboard, her good hand already had a pail of water. "Aww geez Lori, we can let the civvies deal with this; after all []iI[/i] don't go rushing around every time there's a burglary or an assault. These people know what they're doing and-" but it was too late, in a canary yellow flash she was out the door. Jazz sighed. "Always, always rushing off! Just because she's the only one not to have defeated an evil mastermind and thud save the galaxy, she thinks she has something to prove!"

* * *

Vernon a.k.a Sexual act involving pineapples was standing several feet above the ground. This was not to say he was in any manner floating or flying; but he was, quite literally standing there. The fact that he was standing on nothing but thin air seemed to have escaped the notice of the laws of physics for the time being. Vernon had no time to notice this as he had is full concentration on the Book, but his whole being radiated with dread. There are many theories about what spell or incantation would bring about the apocalypse, but what was really needed was an invitation. Currently a small part of Carrotus had been made a living hell; soon the rest of it would arrive.


nonne amicus certus in re incerta cernitur?
