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Feb 12, 2007, 05:06 AM
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When its done...

Way back in 2003 I started a tileset aiming for something both beautiful and functional, aiming to create a set that you can use to really shape a level out of. Something that really looks organic.

It was the Toca set. (yeah, everything was Toca for me then lol). Well, I'm thinking of renaming it the Third Haven set and getting back to work on it. I think where I kind of failed on it in the past is I've tried to do much at once, and ended up getting kind of burned out on it. So I'm thinking of taking a bit of a slower but steady approach. But I really think its worth getting done, and I'd like to add another set to the community's bag 'o goodies.

New things I've added are a few animal sprites for kind of a farm setting, and a fence tile to go along with it. Some huts for a villiage. The toca/eli/ashton sprites have been updated too.

I'll try to pop into JJ2 too sometimes.

"Okay. I'm Understand" - burnout92