Tomb Rabbit 2 'still progressing'
It's going to be a while, but Kejero has written to me about how Tomb Rabbit 2 is going along, and he does intend to finish it. Here's his reply to my e-mail:
Well, I haven't officialy closed the project down yet, and it's still
progressing, but obviously at an extremely slow rate. This is mostly due to
other projects and professional life. But I do have a personal goal to bring
this thing to a proper finished product one day. We might all be grannies
and grandpas by then, and it might not even run at that generation's
computers, but it'll happen! ;)
I don't use the kejero_news account anymore since I figured a newsletter
with one or two letters per year was a bit pointless anyway. (I should
probably remove that from the website...)
Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed Tomb Rabbit 1. For now and for another while
though, you'll just have to take my word for it that Tomb Rabbit 2 will
really be a whole lot better.... ;)
Kind regards,
-- Kej
What he was replying to:
Hi, I'm a big fan (if you can be one, that is) of your Tomb Rabbit episode.
Despite all the years, it's still one of the best JJ2 episodes out there.
It's not as hard as people say it is, but the atmosphere and experience is
nigh unbeatable, and I think that's what counts. Now, it's been over 3 year
since your last update, and I'm wondering whether you're still working on
Tomb Rabbit 2? I would really appreciate a reply. I've also sent an e-mail
to, in order to subscribe to the newsletter.
So, keep hopes up, but don't hold your breath because you'll faint long before it's released!