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Hareoic is doing well so far

Dec 4, 2001, 05:01 PM
Hareoic is offline
We don't even have to fight, if I'd posted sooner...

Sadly, the effects lasted 2 seconds.
"Arg" growled Rubba' Duck,"Gen, you ruined ANOTHER plot!"

"It's black rabite, mallard! And I was about to make my speech when that stupid meteor crashed! All we have to do to the aggressive books is READ them. They're sad because we've all had our faces in front of the television screens and computers. They're jealous. Find a good book to read. And follow me!"

Black (rabite, not sheep) led them to the savage books and said "Oh, my! What interesting books! It HAS been boring flying across the universe with NOTHING to DO..."
The books suddenly calmed down and eventualy, their arms and legs shrank away and the closed their eyes, and the eyes disappeared.
"Now, to prevent this from happening again to the next people who land here, everybody get all the books you can find and bring them back to the ship. I'll add a library to the War Tavern!"
And, because Black Rabite showed some astoundingly good common sense, they listened. Of course, they didn't want to have to drag all the books back to the war tavern, every book ever made was there, and they didn't have time, they still thought they were heading for Hollywood. They decided that the storyline was over and Black got his powers back, transporting them to a newly built library section. Then he gave himself a pair of arms and checked out a good Redwall book and started reading after he made the ship takeoff.

Meanwhile, the knight was still trapped on librarius, screaming for help. "ALRIGHT! I'll give you the decillion dollars! Just GET ME OFF THIS BORING PLANET!!!"
Nobody even remembered that they brought him along. They were concentrating on reading some interesting books they checked out at the The Black Rabite's Library.

A very good inspiration for us all, sitting down and reading some good books...
But perhaps the most likely reason of all,
was that his bombs were simply two sizes too small