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HorvatM is doing well so far

Jul 6, 2007, 08:52 AM
HorvatM is offline
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No, just a compatibility mode would be cool, like when saving as a standard J2L file to display a dialog "Saving in compatibility will lose the following:", then display the list of the things that will be lost, "Continue?".

Having more than 16 text strings would already make it incompatible.
If so, then why can Neobeo's Firetruck load in JJ2 without any problems... yeah right, "It's Neobeo's creativity burst!". Argh.

I think JCS+ should be more like a replacement for the standard JCS. Think about the newbies who only can use JCS to make their levels. And what about those with a dial-up connection? If I had a connection like this, I wouldn't download JCS+ as long as it's not required.

And give it a new name. JCS+ just hides the old JCS under the carpet. JCS should be a separate thing, JCS94/J1CS should be a separate thing, and so should be JCS+. Imagine a world full of JCS's. There would be confusion, especially for the newbies.

You know I'm talking about newbies so much? They're important. They have to continue the traditions of JJ2 (hating battle one, celebrating Anniversary Bash, and so on) in order to preserve it.

That's my opinion, hope you like it.

Let's all hope Epic will never release the JJ2 source code. If they would, people would replace JJ2 with Jazz Super Rocket Turbo Thing Whatever Jackrabbit.
The same goes to patches, mods and utilities. There shouldn't be any. JJ2 has got to stay like JJ2. Period. If we love the game so much, then why do we have to change it? It's like drugs; people know it's bad for them, but still take 'em.
Jazz 2 Utilities