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Aeris is doing well so far

Oct 14, 2007, 03:55 PM
Aeris is offline
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Levels Completed!

Well, I’m finished with everything! I played once through with both Jazz and Spaz. The levels all work great and every level is save-able. They seemed big while I was making them, but now that I look at devres23, I see that they are not big at all

So who wants to gain exclusive pre-release testing rights? For those of you that are interested, I can just attach the levels with an e-mail and send them to you, right? I can’t see why that wouldn’t work.

I hope to upload it within the month, if that is possible. I am also wondering which music files and tilesets I should include with the upload, because some of them came with other level packs and I don’t think they are available on their own, namely Credits, Desert, and Top3. (I lost track of where the music came from) I do believe all of the tilesets came from EvilMike’s “The Rebirth of Evil,” though, so everyone should have them already.

But basically, I’m just looking for a handful of people to play through my levels and say, “This is great, go ahead and upload it,” or, “This and this could use some work.”
It’ll be fun!

Last edited by Aeris; Oct 14, 2007 at 03:58 PM. Reason: Misspelling? Oh no!