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The SlaYeR

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Aug 22, 2008, 09:13 AM
The SlaYeR is offline
Chapter 49: Transfer. (Part 1)

(I will post bits of this chapter as I go along. And yes, this should be chapter 50. SUCH A MILESTONE. HUGS FRIENDS, HUGS ALL AROUND!!!)

Chapter 50: Transfer.

“What are we going to do with this one?” The large demon was rather tired of these questions. Mister Parker had ordered them to take extra good care of their celebrity guest and here he found himself sitting.
Surrounded by idiots that lacked the imagination and creativity to come up with anything on their own. He looked at the square, metallic clock on the edge of his desk. Ten in the evening and he had been guarding the prisoner for seventy-eight hours now for a meager 5 silverlings an hour. Not the best wage, but it is hard for a demon to find a job around a place like this. Go figure.
Almost he had found the chance for a quick nap until Parkers men had payed them a visit and had taken little miss zombie off their hands..
Garn stood up and rubbed his massive fingers through his eyes in a futile attempt to ward off the sleep. He pushed a guard out of the way and told him to make a pot of coffee.
The occupant of cell 29 in cell block H5 was a mess.
Ever since his arrival here he had been subjected to a variety of torturuing techniques; Barb wire, electricity, waterboarding. His co-workers had the time of their lives and evil laughter went hand in hand with the screams of terror.
Many other prisoners would have given in long ago or at least died, but this hares will was strong. Garn grabbed his gun and entered the cell. This had gone on long enough.

“What are we going to do with this one?” Tony sat on the cold, stone floor of his prison cell and stared out in between the metallic bars that kept him in place.
It was a question that had been playing around in his head for a while now.
What were they going to do with him? He looked down his body with his one good eye. The one one seemed impossible to open and caused him quiet a bit of annoyance, the stinging and itching lured his hand towards his eye, but he could not give in to it for fear of causing more harm.
A few scratches here and there covered his arms and legs. Dark blue bruises were spread over his body and shone through his light fur. Like bits of blueberry in creamy, vanilla ice cream. As far as he could see, the damage was not all that grave. As far as he could see... If they would hold a mirror in front of his face and would show him that his right ear was missing he would most likely not have reacted as casually as he did now.
His most important body part had been able to escape the gruesome tortures of the past few days. He smiled at that though and immediately regretted it.
“ No smiling, I will keep that in mind.” His mouth was dry with blood and dust.
“Go get me a pot of coffee.” He heard Garn outside.
His good 'friend' and the general that was put in charge of this prison.
His ruthlessness on the battlefield had made him the right man for this unthankful job. The general was also the man that had ripped an ear from his attractive head. 'Tony, Tony, Tony, how did you end up in this mess? You had it all buddy, fame, fortune, and a different model to lay every other week.”
And now he sat here in a four by four prison cell with all the luxuries you can find in such a place. Stale bread, lukewarm water and a comfortable place to lay your head, right next to your makeshift toilet.
The worst thing however was this damn feeling in his stomach whenever he thought of Michelle. The tingling sensation that ran across his spine whenever he thought of her lifeless eyes that sparkled with life. And the pain he felt over her not being here with him.
Sure, she wasn't perfect; The intoxicating smell that made that of vomit seem bleak in comparison, the see-through skin, the fact that he would never have the chance to sit down with her for a romantic dinner and the eye that had the annoying habit of popping out of her socket.
But unlike the other woman he had known, she was pure and sound of mind. Charming in her own way and attractive, for the eye of love did not see the swarm of flies feasting on her dead skin. Above all though, she was real. Oh, the irony.

Garn stood in front of the celldoor knowing he had nothing to fear. His prisoner had stopped trying to break out of his cell after the first twenty attempts and the twenty punshiments that followed. Slowly the iron door slid open and Garn stepped in. A dark rat that was enjoying bits of an unfinished lunch spread over the floor scurried away and hid in a crack in the wall. The tall demon kicked the bowl away that had contained the lunch earlier and sat down opposite of the broken man. The two of them looked at eachother for a moment and Garn could feel the hate behind those blue eyes burn into his every being.
“I guess hate would not be a strong enough word for the feelings you have towards me and my men, Tony. Having said that, I can assure you that if it were up to me you would be dead.”
The demon smiled, uncovering a row of sharp teeth. Like the gates of hell they sat there and tempted him to make a fist and punch them out.
“I appriciate that Garn.” Tony said back trying not to make the resentment he felt shine through.
“It is not up to me however. I must answer to a master just as everyone. The guards answer to their supervisors who in turn answer to the ministers. And the ministers in their turn answer to their kings. The man at the top creates falls gods to grant him the illusion that he has someone to answer to.”
“Listen, are you going anywhere with this because I have had a long day.”
Garn waved the gun around and Tony took the hint. “I just want you to know that all of this needless suffering is not my idea of a good time, but Parker wants answers. And he pays me well to provide him with those answers. I just want you to know its nothing personal.” A hint of respect shone through in the voice of the demon.
“I can't tell you what I do not know Garn. I wish I could so we could get this over with, but alas.”
Gunfire and a deafening roar bounced off the walls of the cramped cell. Garn had fired a bullet at the rat and had taken his little head clean off, he twitched a bit before he lay still.
His last supper still held firmly between his paws.
“A lack of sleep has caused me to be slightly more agitated than usual. I warn you now Tony you do not want Gary Parker to come here and pick you up like he picked up your little girlfriend.”
That last remark did it and Tony wanted to climb to his feet. Garn smiled, half relieved that he was finally going to leave this all behind him and aimed the gun at the young mans head.
“You (-), you (-)!” Before Garn could fire his gun one of his cronies came running in.
“Wait sir! It's mister Parker on the phone, sir.”
Garn answered the phone and kicked Tony down to the ground. “Now you've done it. I warn you, no more Greenthorpe fairy tales like you tried to tell us the last time.”
Tony gently muttered “They were there... I swear.” His voice went lost to all who were there to hear however.
Hushed whispers found their way into his cell and the words were lost in the wind.
“I have good news for you Tony. Parkers men are on their way to pick you up.”

The van holding six guards and their driver drove across the bridge over the deep gorge surrounding the gloomy castle several hours later. The lava gave of such an intense heat that the passengers felt nauseous.
“Let us try to get this over with as soon as we can, men.” The driver was an old hare with a small pair of binoculars balancing on the bridge of his nose.
His eyes were focused on the long bridge ahead and small droplets of sweat ran down his round face and fell into his lap. One mistake on this bridge and they would fall down to be consumed by the fire. Two colossal and strong, wooden doors slowly opened as the jaws of a terrible creatures.
Tony Waterbecks small figure would give anyone that would view it in this setting a feeling of pity.
He was wrapped in thick iron chains and held by two demons who furiously licked their lips and let their eyes role in their deep and dark sockets.
Sharp pain shot through the young mans scars as the cold metal dug into his already battered flesh.
“General, it is good to see you.” The driver must be a convincing liar for Garn smiled at him.
“He is all yours Denver, take good care of him.” Garn signed his name on a piece of parchment and handed it back to the driver. Sleep was very close now and the thought of a warm bed filled him with a certain happiness.
“Oh, we would not want to give damaged goods to mister Parker, now would we?” His nervous laugh revealed the fear he carried in his heart concerning this fort and its owners.
“Well, not anymore damaged then he already is. Have a safe trip Denver.” Garn turned around and saluted Tony Waterbeck. The brave man that had not revealed the location of his friends.

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 22, 2008 at 10:48 AM.