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The SlaYeR

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Aug 23, 2008, 07:34 AM
The SlaYeR is offline
Chapter 51: The people beneath the surface (1)

Hello everyone. I just finished the first part on Chapter 51. A bit more on Gary and I will describe the journey of Tony and Louie in the continuation of Ch. 51 which I will post as soon as I get the chance to copy it. It is Saturday now and I have other plans.


Chapter 51: The people beneath the surface (1)

These hands were not his hands.
These legs were not his legs.
The dead man that lay in his bed had neither been his lover nor his victim.
Bruhns horrible presence was always with him and in him and laughed aloud as he mourned the countless victims that had died to satisfy a freakish lust. The poor people that had coloured the hands that were both his and not his red with blood.
Bruhn was dormant and he had some time to wallow in self pity as he had often done before, because that was all his existence meant now.

Gary remembered the cave and the drawing of the caged monster he had unleashed all those years ago. Innocent child's play disturbed.
The beast stood scribbled on the wall that lay below the ground.
Walls that were filled with archaic symbols he had not understood.
Now, years later he knew they had warned him. Told him to turn around and leave as fast as his little legs could carry him. Run and never look back.
Gary Parker, aged 36 and the youngest governor there had ever been looked at his own visage in the mirror. Only one pair of eyes looked back at him. These precious moments were rare and far in between.
He had not felt the second soul inside of him during the first few years after he had released it.
Sure, he had occasionally bullied and would ring a doorbell or two without waiting for the angered look on the owners face. That is what kids his age did however. He had never caused anything or anyone bigger than a fly any harm, but Bruhn was there.
Waiting under the surface of the tranquility of his childhood.
The first ripple in the surface appeared after he had graduated at the top of his class.
He had a few drinks with his good friend, Kia. A lovely young girl who had admired him and had enjoyed his friendship for many years. They had grown up together and Gary had been like the brother she had never had. Kind, charming and chivalrous and deprived of the thoughts young boys always seemed to have.
They walked through the park after a night of celebration for they had both finished the first act in the stage play that is life. Young Gary offered Kia his coat as the air grew colder. Unaware that the sudden coldness in the air came from a different source than the wind that was carried in from the East. He had meant to walk her home, but Bruhn had different plans to finish this lovely evening. A veil covered his eyes and took his sight as well as his chivalrous nature. He remembered the screams and the gasps for breath. Those futile attempts to suck in a little evening air. There was no memmory of the things Bruhn had done to her. No recollection of her pleading and the begging as hands that were not his forced her legs apart.
Gary came to his senses when Bruhn had finished. It was as if awaking from a nightmare although the nightmare had only just started. Her naked body lay in the grass that had a deep grey colour under the pale moonlight. Mutilated and beaten, her tongue lolled out at an unnatural angle and the silky, purple dress she had felt so pretty in before ripped through the middle from the waist to her chin. Gary tasted blood and flesh in his mouth and he ran. He ran as fast and as far as he could until he sank down and fell flat on his face. When he woke up the next morning, Bruhn told him what would happen from now on and had shown him who would be in control from no won. Every time Gary refused, there would be mental torture. A torture so intense that he could physically feel it.
Reflected in the mirror was his attractive, young face. The face that made people feel safe and secure around him. The face of a murderer and a liar.
The young man behind him had been attracted by it and was lured into Bruhns trap.
The monster had used the boy to fulfill his physical needs and to provide nourishment.
A pair of scissors lay on a grooming table and Gary moved his hand towards it casually, still looking at himself in the mirror. Never moving his sight away from his own eyes, to see wheter Bruhn had not woken up. The eyes in which the self hatred ran deeper than the roots of any tree.
Deeper than the deepest well in the lowest valley. In those eyes he found the strength he needed to accomplish the job he had in mind.
Tonight he would plant the scissors in his throat and end the terrible reign of Bruhn.
Before Bruhn had found the strength it needed to leave him and become a physical entity that would bring the people of Carrotus to its knees and reign supreme and bloody. Bruhns fleshy vessel was all that stood between everything and nothing.
His grip around the scissors tightened. All he had to do now was stab and the people of Carrotus would be safe in their beds tonight and all of the nights ahead. The evil that had crept into the minds of people over the past few decades would disappear and everyone would wake up revitalised and fresh tomorrow. Pure of heart and sound of mind and with a clear goal for the future. The civil war on Diamondus would end and people would lower their weapons, destroy their weapons. The weapons that had destroyed so many of their brethren, turtles and rabbits alike. And the weapons would disappear over the years because the true demon had been banished from this realm and had taken everything that is evil with it.
Flowers would blossom on top of the cave from which he had escaped those thirty years ago.
Fruit and vegetables would grow on the dark lands that housed his servants who lay there waiting for him to call on them.
The beast inside woke up and the fire burned behind Garys eyes. Another attempt to end his life gone up in smoke and it would be long before he would get another chance. Too long perhaps.
“Go to sleep now Gary.”

Last edited by The SlaYeR; Aug 23, 2008 at 09:02 AM.