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Sep 14, 2008, 01:05 AM
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fortress of storms

Just another screenshot from my upcoming episode. This thread can always use more screenshots!

I think I'm finally ready to release some definitive info on the episode. It's going to have a fairly structured order to it, more than most of the other episodes. It will take place in and around five seperate fortresses. Each fortress will have one level leading up to it, one level inside the fortress itself, and one shorter level inside the bosses' lair. This means the episode will have a total of 15 unique levels... not counting revisits or story levels. That's a considerable amount, and will make ep5 the biggest yet.

The first fortress (the one on Nippius, which I posted a screenshot of earlier) is the main one, and forms a sort of hub which the four other fortresses branch off of. Each time you return to the level you will be able to explore a bit more of it. Despite forming a hub, it will still follow the format of the other areas, just on a larger scale. You will visit this level a total of five times, and each time it will be almost completely unchanged: the increased ability to explore is from your weapons, not changes in the level design.

There will be at least four separate boss fights, and probably five if I can work it in.

I held back on a lot of the previous episodes. On some I focused on story more than gameplay, and on most of the others I limited myself to one or two settings. For this one I am imposing no limits. Every idea I want to use, I will use.

Obviously this is a very ambitious project, but the lack of limitations is allowing me to work at a quicker pace. I expect to release it some time in the first half 2009.
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