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Apr 20, 2009, 05:10 PM
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I can assure you that I have spent hours (literally) on each test, and have tried to achieve a balance between punishing difficulty and quick diversions. Wind Meister 4 is looking like it will be fairly short overall; it does feature some tests from previous installments (although none of those are exactly the same, of course). Most tests, however, are brand new (or pillaged from the previously unreleased Wind Meister 4 and 5 work I had done).

Most importantly, I can say that the level is just fun. Playing the level and working on it has reminded me why I used to love JJ2 so much, and I'm hoping it will have that effect on others as well. I think it feels just as fresh and exciting now as the Violet's original Windy Tests did back in the day. How's that? Well, while making the level, there were often times I thought "Why hasn't anyone done this in a test level before?" At such times, I realized the best thing to do give it a shot. As a result, you'll see a mix of things you're used to seeing in Wind Meister (warps, TNT, windless tests, etc) as well as some brand new features that I think will change the way people play the level.

I've received the music from PT32, and it's just awesome. I've been madly in love with 3ddemo.mod since the day I first heard it, and this new music absolutely does justice to its source material - I might even like it better, truth be told.

So, that brings me to my final point, which is probably what most people will be interested in. Wind Meister 4 is, at this point, darn near finished. I have a team of several people playing through it, and once I receive their input, I'll be making my final changes. I don't want to give a specific release date, but I don't think it's unreasonable at all to expect that it will be on your systems within a week. Stay tuned; I fully intend to deliver on my original promise of releasing the level around April 20th.