I dunno if this has been posted before (I couldn't find anything about it), so here goes: a list of what set/animation goes with JCS events. Formatted as a Python dictionary (remove the newlines if you want to use it in Python though), but should be easy to convert.
#format: Event ID (as in jcs.ini): (setID, animationID)
events = {
29: (55, 14), #Jazz Level Start
30: (86, 14), #Spaz Level Start
31: (86, 14), #Multiplayer Level Start
33: (1, 30), #Freezer Ammo+3
34: (1, 26), #Bouncer Ammo+3
35: (1, 35), #Seeker Ammo+3
36: (1, 50), #3Way Ammo+3
37: (1, 58), #Toaster Ammo+3
38: (1, 60), #TNT Ammo+3
39: (1, 62), #Gun8 Ammo+3
40: (1, 69), #Gun9 Ammo+3
41: (100, 5), #Still Turtleshell
42: (103, 2), #Swinging Vine
43: (1, 2), #Bomb
44: (68, 85), #Silver Coin
45: (68, 38), #Gold Coin
46: (68, 6), #Gun crate
47: (68, 6), #Carrot crate
48: (68, 6), #1Up crate
49: (68, 4), #Gem barrel
50: (68, 4), #Carrot barrel
51: (68, 4), #1up barrel
52: (68, 6), #Bomb Crate
53: (68, 56), #Freezer Ammo+15
54: (68, 55), #Bouncer Ammo+15
55: (68, 57), #Seeker Ammo+15
56: (68, 58), #3Way Ammo+15
57: (68, 59), #Toaster Ammo+15F
58: (68, 91), #TNT (armed explosive, no pickup)
59: (68, 37), #Airboard
60: (93, 6), #Frozen Green Spring
61: (68, 30), #Gun Fast Fire
62: (68, 6), #Spring Crate
63: (68, 23), #Red Gem +1
64: (68, 23), #Green Gem +1
65: (68, 23), #Blue Gem +1
66: (68, 23), #Purple Gem +1
67: (68, 35), #Super Red Gem
68: (9, 4), #Birdy
69: (68, 4), #Gun Barrel
70: (68, 6), #Gem Crate
71: (68, 71), #Jazz<->Spaz
72: (68, 22), #Carrot Energy +1
73: (68, 83), #Full Energy
74: (68, 32), #Fire Shield
75: (68, 11), #Water Shield
76: (68, 52), #Lightning Shield
79: (68, 34), #Fast Feet
80: (68, 1), #Extra Live
81: (68, 29), #End of Level signpost
83: (68, 15), #Save point signpost
84: (12, 1), #Bonus Level signpost
85: (93, 8), #Red Spring
86: (93, 6), #Green Spring
87: (93, 1), #Blue Spring
88: (68, 73), #Invincibility
89: (68, 88), #Extra Time
90: (68, 43), #Freeze Enemies
91: (93, 9), #Hor Red Spring
92: (93, 7), #Hor Green Spring
93: (93, 2), #Hor Blue Spring
94: (68, 69), #Morph Into Bird
95: (68, 53), #Scenery Trigger Crate
96: (68, 41), #Fly carrot
97: (49, 1), #RectGem Red
98: (49, 1), #RectGem Green
99: (49, 1), #RectGem Blue
100: (99, 1), #Tuf Turt
101: (98, 6), #Tuf Boss
102: (59, 3), #Lab Rat
103: (33, 1), #Dragon
104: (60, 5), #Lizard
105: (16, 1), #Bee
106: (73, 3), #Rapier
107: (85, 1), #Sparks
108: (2, 2), #Bat
109: (96, 7), #Sucker
110: (21, 1), #Caterpillar
111: (19, 3), #Cheshire1
112: (20, 3), #Cheshire2
113: (52, 5), #Hatter
114: (8, 5), #Bilsy Boss
115: (80, 3), #Skeleton
116: (30, 1), #Doggy Dogg
117: (100, 8), #Norm Turtle
118: (53, 1), #Helmut
120: (25, 1), #Demon
123: (32, 1), #Dragon Fly
124: (64, 7), #Monkey
125: (41, 2), #Fat Chick
126: (42, 1), #Fencer
127: (43, 1), #Fish
128: (65, 4), #Moth
129: (94, 1), #Steam
130: (76, 1), #Rotating Rock
131: (68, 61), #Blaster PowerUp
132: (68, 62), #Bouncy PowerUp
133: (68, 63), #Ice gun PowerUp
134: (67, 64), #Seek PowerUp
135: (68, 65), #RF PowerUp
136: (68, 66), #Toaster PowerUP
137: (69, 5), #PIN: Left Paddle
138: (69, 6), #PIN: Right Paddle
139: (69, 1), #PIN: 500 Bump
140: (69, 3), #PIN: Carrot Bump
141: (68, 2), #Apple
142: (68, 3), #Banana
143: (68, 17), #Cherry
144: (68, 72), #Orange
145: (68, 75), #Pear
146: (68, 80), #Pretzel
147: (68, 82), #Strawberry
151: (72, 1), #Queen Boss
152: (96, 5), #Floating Sucker
153: (14, 1), #Bridge
154: (68, 49), #Lemon
155: (68, 51), #Lime
156: (68, 90), #Thing
157: (68, 93), #Watermelon
158: (68, 74), #Peach
159: (68, 39), #Grapes
160: (68, 50), #Lettuce
161: (68, 27), #Eggplant
162: (68, 24), #Cucumb
163: (68, 21), #Soft Drink
164: (68, 76), #Soda Pop
165: (68, 54), #Milk
166: (68, 77), #Pie
167: (68, 13), #Cake
168: (68, 26), #Donut
169: (68, 25), #Cupcake
170: (68, 19), #Chips
171: (68, 14), #Candy
172: (58, 20), #Chocbar
173: (68, 44), #Icecream
174: (68, 12), #Burger
175: (68, 78), #Pizza
176: (68, 33), #Fries
177: (68, 18), #Chicken Leg
178: (68, 81), #Sandwich
179: (68, 89), #Taco
180: (68, 92), #Weenie
181: (68, 40), #Ham
182: (68, 16), #Cheese
183: (60, 3), #Float Lizard
184: (64, 6), #Stand Monkey
190: (74, 2), #Raven
191: (97, 1), #Tube Turtle
192: (68, 36 #Gem Ring
193: (81, 1), #Small Tree
195: (102, 4), #Uterus
196: (102, 8), #Crab
197: (109, 1), #Witch
198: (77, 2), #Rocket Turtle
199: (15, 1), #Bubba
200: (28, 9), #Devil devan boss
201: (27, 2), #Devan (robot boss)
202: (75, 4), #Robot (robot boss)
203: (18, 1), #Carrotus pole
204: (71, 1), #Psych pole
205: (29, 1), #Diamondus pole
209: (48, 1), #Fruit Platform
210: (11, 1), #Boll Platform
211: (51, 1), #Grass Platform
212: (70, 1), #Pink Platform
213: (84, 1), #Sonic Platform
214: (92, 1), #Spike Platform
215: (90, 1), #Spike Boll
217: (38, 1), #Eva
220: (68, 67), #Gun8 Powerup
221: (68, 68), #Gun9 Powerup
223: (91, 1), #3D Spike Boll
226: (60, 1), #Copter
228: (68, 88), #Stopwatch
229: (58, 1), #Jungle Pole
231: (6, 1), #Big Rock
232: (5, 1), #Big Box
235: (83, 3), #Bolly Boss
236: (17, 1), #Butterfly
237: (4, 1), #BeeBoy
241: (101, 7), #Tweedle Boss
244: (44, 2) #CTF Base + Flag
For some events the parameter influences what they look like (warps, platforms) or the event is composed out of several animations (CTF bases, Bolly boss). This is not reflected in the list. I tried to choose the sprite closest to the "idle" animation for each event, but in some cases the in-game version might use a slightly different animation.
Events which have no sprite are obviously excluded.