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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jun 2, 2010, 09:29 AM
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LMAT: Beyonduary: Phases Begone

  1. Anyone can add tiles!
  2. Please do not remove other people's tiles without justification!
  3. If you do remove someone else's tiles, please mention it, so that we can stop you if we disagree with your reasons!
  4. Editing other people's tiles is, in general, fine!
  5. Criticism of other people's tiles is also fine! We want the best tiles, not just the first ones posted.
  6. All exceptions, special cases, etc., will most likely be dealt with either by mob rule or by someone authoritative deciding to weigh in on things! I mean, let's be realistic here.
  7. Let's make this look great!

Anyway, this is LMAT, short for Let's Make A Tileset, if you've somehow missed the previous threads. Our theme is a tossup between elemental temple, space temple, spaceport, and airport. It's going to be crazy awesome! Especially if you participate! WAHOO!!!

Here's an initial offering for some ground. It's sort of partway between concept art and actual tiles at this point: if people think it's a good direction I can revise the art to be more tileable, post the component graphics separately, etc., but I didn't feel like getting it all perfect before anyone else had a chance to say anything. This is thinking "space temple" and uses an obviously swiped palette for convenience' sake. Some of the blocks could easily be replaced by computery stuff, for greater variety (and theme), but I didn't get around to drawing any of that for the concept art.

Let's get this game rolling! Post your ideas! Your tiles! Your critiques! May this work out.