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Sep 2, 2010, 09:59 AM
Czech Sonic is offline
new commands !! For JJ2+ !! [Is my creations]
/Spamoptions on/off
Set the spam options on your server, if you set to on you can make this
Set the max allowed spams on server 0 is unlimited and 999 is max and action for reach the max alloved spams ban or kick
This is for spammers players warnings settings
Set the artificial intelligence for spam is set to on your server automatic learning and filtrating this spam on chat and automatic proceed the actions, action is warning,kick,ban and closed the connection CTC WARNIG the AI must be programmed in JJ2+
Set this timming ban for problematic players. Time is second, hour, day, week, month, year,
enable or disable the
command /allowedping
Min is 300 and max 999 is in ms, another players reach the max allowed ping automatically get kick from server
Automatic join in your favourite server with startup JJ2
is this on server w ill be automatic created with start JJ2
is this on your jj2 will be automatic starting with windows and for automatic joining or creating server use this commands /autocreatserver must be on or is off only started jj2 and you must manually creat server or joined to server
enable or disable the real time in game
it is on you can set the watching anothers players in one screen
/multispectating you can watch the max defined players in one spectator mode 0 is defauld and 4 is max. Possitions is 1 right down , 2 right up 3 left down , 4 left up , 0 middle of screen
set the to ON for getting new updating files for JJ2+
you with him see the all avaiable command in server.
thi is the same function at this /help with easy identificate the allowed command with specific for master server, client server and admin groups. If you want see the only avaible command for client players (same as you) use type /help client do u want show avaiable commands for third groups use /help third.
use this for easy found specific command. If you want off carrots in server and dont know all name for this commands write this /find n [no, c, carrots....] for automatic complete the all name for this command and press enter.
set this on and you can start JJ2 without intros scenes and main menu this situacion is: start jj2-> join or creat server -> player setup -> getting serverlist and join this ! And old is: start jj2 -> loading intro -> new game ->party mode ->internet play -> join or creat server -> max players -> getting server list -> join and play
You can set the command avaiable in admin group when is client player logged in. U writing
/blockcommand 4 kick on
is KICKing command disabled for player the player cant use this and can use the next command without KICK. You can block all avaiable command from the max [32] player in you server.
U writted the same /blockcommand 4 kick off can the specific player using again the blocket command
/hide on/off
This is equikalent for ban and kick. If you write this, player can be on server and can´t use all commands,
shoot others players, get the all amnos, chat with players and hide players is not show for more clients players
in server the hide players cannoct wiew in spectate mode and normal mode the hidded player+can´t collision with
others players when other players can´t collision with him !
The hide players can only wiew the others players and can be in server and can move

Last edited by Czech Sonic; Sep 19, 2010 at 05:09 AM.