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Sep 18, 2010, 05:12 PM
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It has been TWO YEARS. Well more than that. Two years and a few months.
Its high time I dump some stuff I've done recently. And by that I mean anything from today to last year.

Lets start with what will probably be most relevant to your interests:

I realized later that Spaz has no tail and Jazz does. I haven't fixed it yet obviously.

These two are based loosely/verbatim on actual conversations IM or otherwise!

This one is based on ACTUAL LIFE EVENTS Excitement!

This one isn't based on my life. I drew this like the week of E3 during some downtime at work while waiting for my next project. Watch as the quality of my drawings gradually degrade!

This one is also about VIDEO GAMES! It involves the "hidden messages" on the covers of Mario Galaxy 1 and 2

I quickly did this one right before catching a movie while a friend of mine was playing through the original Pokemon Green. If you are unaware, golbats are SNUCKED UP lookin in Pokemon Green.

Next is a series of art I did keeping track of my progress playing Pokemon Pearl for the first time! I stopped because I stopped playing for a bit.

I went through a period where I played a ton of Jet Set Radio and Jet Set Radio Future. What resulted was me drawing up me and me mates as rudies. Some are sketches and I need to get around to finishing those (its been like months.).

I guess I should mention I carouse with furries. Anyways MORE STUFF.
This character was inspired by a friend who is occasionally suicidal. I realized that suicide is SUPER BORING and came up with a voodoo doll character to explore fun ways to kill oneself with.

This is a quick animation I made with the character for a Zoetrope in my History of Animation class.
This is another character I made for a flipbook in the same class. I was experimenting with using my less dominant hand for inking

I dont have the whole flipbook scanned in, but I do have an early WIP you can view here
This was for a 2D design class


I did this right after watching the Konami E3 conference for an entire night. Konami just kept looking it. I recommend looking up vids of it online, its pretty legendary.

A watercolor I did last year.

These are some paintings I did on my DS

I did the above zoomed in and realized there was too much negative space in the corner. I dislike my attempt to fix it.

Painting Batman is easy!

This is Gustafer Yellowgold a psychedelic childrens music star. Google him. I accidentally went to a Gustafer show thinking it was some indie animated movie thing. Which it technically was, but not quite what I expected. I have never seen a bar so filled with kids.

WHO LIKES POKEMON? I guess I apparently do. I havent touched one of these games in years until recently and I keep doing fanart. What is wrong with me

STICKERS. Well Sticker designs. I have sticker paper but have yet to find a printer that it works with.

I like doing goofy faux-deep propagandary things. Which I guess means I do it ironically, which I guess makes me a hipster. Oh dear.

I later reused one of my sticker designs for my laptop bag

More goofy faux-propaganda


These two are Monster Hunter 3 arts. One is of my hunter chick, the other is of BARROTH who is A TOTAL MALE REPRODUCTIVE ORGAN

Did you know I made a game? Its true! It only has one level and takes like 10 minutes to beat. Windows only. Check it out here.


Colorwheel thing I did for Color Theory


Street art I've done

The previous two are fanart of characters from Dumm comics

The above was on a building that got demolished just a scant few days later! Coincidentally I have photos of that happening.

I've been developing a webcomic about SKY PIRATES and did this in honor of Talk Like A Pirate Day tomorrow

More sketches for said comic

My friend Nick (who goes by some crazy pen name thats like Will something) did a song loosely based on the concept that you should check out HERE FREE MUSIC!

S'allright. This isn't everything but this is pretty fukken massive so Im gonna end it here.
The end.

Last edited by n00b; Sep 18, 2010 at 07:45 PM. Reason: Added song link