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Joined: Mar 2008

Posts: 99

Sfaizst is an asset to this forum

Oct 16, 2010, 04:15 AM
Sfaizst is offline
Some ideas for:


- Please make it possible to sort the List (Gamemode, Players, Ping,...), a good idea would be to save it in the plus.ini to have it automatic sorted.

- A banlist for Servers in the List (remember the "delete" button as example) would be a good idea too...

- Make it possible to switch to the old design with the bigger letter-size, its better if you are not sitting directly in front of your PC.

Additional Gamemodes:

- Something like Teamtreasure Hunt would be a good Idea, JJ2 is automaticly syncing the "gems" in ctf too, so just delete the flags, make it possible too loose gems by shot and count the gems one team have.

Thats all at the moment...
