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Nov 8, 2010, 11:03 AM
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Originally Posted by SonicNathan 1 View Post
I never took anything out. Every tile form the original is here seriously, what is the downside to adding tiles?
Fewer animated tile slots, and you're missing 87.5% of the fans' frames.
A more subjective disadvantage is that it clutters up the tileset. I'm fine with adding tiles to increase the flexibility of a tileset - indeed, I'd generally encourage it - but you've added tiles that don't increase flexibility at all, like all those plants. Somehow I doubt anyone's going to use those upside-down and sideways ones (especially since you didn't bother to change the glass shine). The "escaped" plants could look nice, but as-is they're just blatant copy-paste jobs.

And yes, I remember the PM you sent me telling me that I included too many (all) of the fan frames in my conversion.

Originally Posted by SonicNathan 1 View Post
Background of the plant tiles?
The closed plant boxes have the distorted background (same as the circular lens tiles near the top). The broken ones have the regular background. The distorted background looks pretty weird in JJ2 in the first place, but mixing them both together like that is just strange.

Incidentally, my original plan was to get a textured background working that was close to the JJ1 distorted background, but I found it to be too much work.