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Nov 14, 2010, 10:57 AM
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Post Treya's Duel-Sized Battle Map Making Contest!

So...what inspired me to make this? Well, there's a lack of decent duel-sized battle levels. Even less than duel-sized CTF levels actually (if you minus all those seriously tiny instagib levels which get boring after the second time you play them on the same day).

So, here are the rules;
1. No singlescreeners. No exceptions.
2. All important areas of the level should be accessable(sp?) by all characters. For those people who only have 1.23, if Jazz can't reach it, Lori most likely can't either.
3. Thou shall not be made for instagib (I don't hate it, but I want it not to revolve around it for once since most duel sized battle maps are based on this).
4. Not really a rule or anything, but powerups and carrots are optional. Also, if your level revolves around a custom battle gamemode like LRS or streetfight, heck even Health From Kills (aka HFK) is completely fine too.
5. The level you submit must be original and yours only.
6. No conversions or creating from a ready-made layout (unless it's your layout you never finished).
7. You may only submit one level.
8. 1.24 levels are allowed - only if there's a good excuse for it (like a big tileset). Other than that, it's better off being 1.23 as more will be able to play it. This rule may change if this contest becomes popular and *might* split into 1.23 and 1.24 catagories. But for now, it's this.
9. The deadline for subbmitting is now December the 30th! They will be judged on the next day.
10. Oh and make sure you upload the level!

Now, here are some tips to getting a better rating;

1. Try to avoid major deadends.
2. Try to balance out the advantages between all characters.
3. Unique (but not annoying) concepts are always a plus!
4. Pits are not really recommended, but put them in if you really must and be sure to indicate them.
5. Make sure the level is easy to move around in - in other words the flow.
6. Maybe a levelsize similar to BBSwing might be ideal.
7. There shouldn't be worthless other words, don't have places that dont really have anything useful.
8. It shouldn't be too campy
9. If you're going to have carrots, make sure it's more than one at least.
10. Don't put such secrets that will give others an unfair advantage if they don't know the level well.
11. Eyecandy that fits with the theme well but isn't too distracting is also a plus. You do not need to use all layers! Use what you need.
12. Some tricks are nice to have but are not essential to getting a higher rating.
13. Make sure there is plently of ammo, but not too much.

If this contest does at least get a little popular, I might have some extra judges other than just myself (don't worry it won't just be from our clan only). Don't be afraid to ask questions about the contest.

The prize? Well, I'm not too sure yet, maybe a fanart of the rabbit you use with your custom colours? Some trophy like thing to put in your sig? Also, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes haven't been decided really depends on how many who enter.

I thought of a new idea. You can send the level to me or someone else (anyone else it doesn't really matter) and we/he/she can (beta) test it out (play it once or more together) It is up to you for what you can do to improve it once it is tested out. You can only do this once forever, so please don't send me seriously unfinished projects. Then it is put up for others to download.

Last edited by Treylina; Dec 15, 2010 at 10:39 AM. Reason: UPDATE