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Jan 11, 2011, 04:42 AM
[GpW]Urbs is offline
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Well I don't want to be repeating myself but ya, I would agree the programmers themselves are a tad bit responsible. And by a tad bit I actually mean a lot

The way I see it, there are some people on jj2 (FS included) who, and I might be wrong about this, don't even think in terms of cheating. I wouldn't go so far as to say that these people are just "too dumb" to come up with their own cheats, it's just the thought never crossed their mind. I would include myself in this group as well (although to be quite honest, seeing as how the pinnacle of my programming career is to use an if function in excel I also fall in the group of people who are incapable of creating a cheat program).

I really have mixed feelings about this. I feel very uneasy that some people who play the game competitively are so enthralled by "cheats" as well, and although they are good friends of mine, I can't say I support them in their actions.

People like overlord made cheats and used them, but mainly in their own servers. Now I know Overlord was no saint, because I do believe he made his cheats available as well. But those cheats were obvious to every1, and although they were annoying, they didn't have any impact on the competitive scene (to my knowledge).

The thing with radars is different, the whole point of having this radar cheat is for you to have it and the rest to get "pwnt" by you because they don't have it (except on maps like DW where if you control the seek PU they aren't able to do anything to counter you anyway even with the radar). And supposedly making a radar prog is pretty easy. Gry told me he saw overlord make one ages ago.

Anyway, however much I like that we caught RL with the help of a young prodigy and however much I find the guy kinda likeable, I will always be in favour of very draconian measures when cheating and cheaters are concerned.

Screw it, I guess I'm a republican that way.
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Last edited by [GpW]Urbs; Jan 11, 2011 at 04:53 AM.