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Jan 13, 2011, 02:01 PM
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Oh, I've catched atleast 10.000 of cheaters in my past carrier as a ClanBase and ESL Administrator. Best weapon against cheats is the cheat itself in combination with a replay/demo. So naturally I'm against any form of cheating.

Obiviously cheating in an online environment is never a good thing. It rips the game community apart and eventually the community bleeds to a complete death. But for some reason, it's pretty natural that things like this happen, even in JJ2. Because cheating is something that happens in almost every competitive environment. School, Work, Sports and eSports, it's in the human nature to find an easier way to achieve your goals.

Catching the programmers is hard and you barely are able to ''fight'' against them anyway. By making it, they already show that they don't really care. Some do everything to defend themselfs and actually make programs that are harder to combat against or makes a program that uses rotating algoritmes in which it makes it almost impossible to catch and even if you ''catch'' them. They don't care, he has nothing to lose! So fighting up to the source is futile. Because most of the time you just feed his satisfaction or the fight is just pointless.

Ofcourse you want to go to his house and vanish this person from the Internet but that is not how the world works and you have to deal with it.

So keep your focus and energy on the people that use cheating programs. They do care about their online status as a player in a community. Otherwise they wouldn't have used cheats if they didn't, they want to win by any means necessary.

The only problem is, as an anti-cheater, you always walk behind the facts, because ''someone else'' always made a newer program that behaves differently. So every time you have to start over from A to B.

So yes, as I've said before; I think you should focus on the player. Let me give you a real life example of why; If you go to a shop and buy a gun (and all papers are fine) and you shoot someone with THAT gun. The shop isn't responsable for it, only you. Because you still have the choice if you use that gun or not.

The responsibility lies with the cheater. Sure, it might be easy to download an app that allows you to cheat, but the cheater is still the one making the decision to use it.
Whoops, I missed Stijn's post. He's completely right in here. I'm saying exactly the same. ;P
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Last edited by ShadowGPW; Jan 13, 2011 at 02:28 PM.