Thread: bash 13
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Mar 23, 2011, 10:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Lithium View Post

In Vegito's case,where 1.23 players won't be able to join,you suggest that we dump 10 to 20 1.23 players just that your crew could do Lori??
Um. Even plusless 1.23 people can join multiversion 1.24 servers that have plus on them, as long the levels are compatible, of course. If the levels are 1.23 and the server is multiversion, it should be no problem whatsoever. Everybody wins. I thought I cleared this up already...

EDIT: Don't want to sound stubborn or anything, but I just want to make my points clear;
1. The player hosts in TSF with multiversion enabled
2. The levels hosted in it are all 1.23
3. Any player can join reguardless of version, with or without plus.
4. Accidental crashes will less likely happen about the annoying glitch/bug/idk (unless the host happens to have a computer which doesn't like TSF or happens not to have the version at all. If that case happens, it's probably better to host in 1.23 but I'm sure there are many other willing, stable dedicated hosters out there).

So yes, I recommend the levels that are TSF to be in the pack should be converted.

Last edited by Treylina; Mar 23, 2011 at 11:19 AM.