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Jul 29, 2011, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Troglobite View Post
Over time, after someone makes several good reviews, people will hopefully change their opinion of said person, and read through before downvoting.
Unfortunately, that's not how it generally works. Usually when someone's rep is at a low, nobody even bothers to listen to them, despite whether their quality has improved or not. Take Crazy Rabbit or cooldude as an example. Doesn't matter how they behave, once they've joined your server, you've already sighed because of past experiences with them. This community isn't exactly full of free spirits from what I've noticed.

Originally Posted by Troglobite View Post
In the long run, it should on average, make the reviews and scores more accurate. Also, I think that we could use the "rate value" to weight the reviewer's score without simply multiplying rate value times the score they give. Maybe anyone's review would always have some base value, then well rated reviewers scores would be given a bit of extra sway. This means that even someone with a 0% rate value would still be able to have some effect on the score, so they wouldn't feel that giving reviews was pointless.
Excellent idea! Except... unfortunately, this system is attempting to create quality control. But this goes back to my previous idea of just rating the review itself and not the reviewer. A system that rates the reviewer would be along the same lines as the current rating system which seems has caused constant bickering among members. Even as it is, I hate posting these responses. You might not like my contradictions and neg-rep me... Or God forbid, Unknown Rabbit may disagree and do that. Once I'm in the negatives, how long would you foresee it taking before I got back into the positives? And how valid would any of my statements be? A user-based rating system just doesn't seem to promote creation, if anything, it destroys it.

Originally Posted by Troglobite View Post
Our current system already has a review voting system that keeps track of a permanent "Average Helpfulness", and I can see how many votes were involved in creating that score. And I don't think that this has discouraged reviews.
You ought to re-think that one... I personally don't create any reviews for that reason, I'm not good at it and I don't want to be judged based on them. I would register and review if I found a level deserving of my time. But by enacting this system, I know for a fact that it would further my hesitation on attempting to write a review because this review would have to be perfect, otherwise I'm seen as an idiot. The whole reason our review system needs to be "fixed" is because its not used as heavily as it should be and apparently we need forms of quality control.

Originally Posted by Troglobite View Post
A review based rating system might work, but I think that again, our community is a bit small. Most review probably will never get more than a couple votes, and this leads to a really small sample size, so I think that there would be too many short pointless reviews that get one thumbs up and have too much sway, or long, detailed reviews that one person disagrees with and end up counting for less than they should.
This community is small, indeed. And pretty tightly-knit. That's more of a downfall, since you won't have as many different opinions on a single review. We all know each other and are more bias towards those we like as opposed to those we don't like. In a larger community, this system would make a bit more sense since you wouldn't know, nor have the time to bother looking into a reviewer's past record or holding it against them. In a community like this, however, the famed become more famous while the less famous become slaves to the system.

Originally Posted by Troglobite View Post
Jake's suggestions might help, but I think that even with forcing comments, most people would probably say, "Nice." or "I disagree," and it would be impossible for admins to tell the real votes apart from biased votes for friends or hateful downvotes. Not to mention we're asking the admins to micromanage a rating system of a rating system.

I completely agree with this which is exactly why I state that a user-based rating system does not seem fair, in my opinion. As for comments on reviews, you might as well leave that to be a free market. I don't even see that much of a problem with our current system...

Originally Posted by Jake View Post
That't the point of the comments on ratings: If there isn't a proper explanation, the rating is invalid and must be deleted. 'Nice' 'I disagree' are these.
Or you could report it. But really, I'm ok with comments, but "reputation-based" is a really bad idea in my honest opinion. And comments should be regulated in the same manner that posts on this forum are (in the sense that if they're even remotely on-topic, they're fair).

Originally Posted by Sir Ementaler View Post
And then let people rate those too, and then add a reputation system for ratings for comments for reviews for downloads so it's all fair. I mean, it's getting too complex, who would want to write long in-depth comments on reviews already? And who would want to moderate them?
Originally Posted by SilverBolt View Post
and apparently we need forms of quality control.
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