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Sep 12, 2011, 01:52 PM
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Top 10 Neglected Levels on J2O

"Top 10 Neglected Levels on J2O"

PT32, 2011

Okay, so the basics are pretty simple. The Top Ten is a list of levels, music, tools, editors or other assorted uploads to J2O that you, the listwriter, feel have been overlooked, cast in the wrong light or have gone without enough praise. It ranks from 1 to 10, with 1 being an obscenely ignored level, and 10 being a level that just needs a little push to bring it to notoriety. If people take this idea seriously, it will be a very effective list, because it provides badly needed exposure to packs that truly deserve more (or different) attention than they got.

Rules are simple:

1. The Unbreakable Rule: "This is not an ATTACK list. It is an ADVOCATE list." Nothing should be on here that the list maker is going to drag through the mud, lambast, insult, or otherwise bash. Please. Admins, if you find someone's list violating this rule, don't hesitate to make an example of them.

I should also clarify that constructive criticism and offensive remarks are NOT the same thing. I would prefer as little negativity as possible, but I acknowledge that sometimes certain things can and should be pointed out. Use your own discretion, but keep in mind that what you have to say must be balanced equally with how you say it. If it sounds derisive, it probably is.

2. "One personal upload allowed." Please limit yourself, the author of your list, to one custom upload on the list. If you feel you have a pack that slipped through the cracks, advertise it here. But don't monopolize the Top Ten to suit your own interests. The point of this list is not to promote your own stuff, it's to promote someone else's.

Going even further than that, I would suggest (This is only a suggestion) that you not put yourself at, say, number one on the list. It will only make people think that you're a self-absorbed publicity hog. And I'm sure that's not what you want.

3. "No Public Advertising." Don't put a level on this list to promote a gang, band, social group, hot-button political issue, or stuff like that. In certain cases (Like with clans, such as XLM, OLC, LMAT, etc.), this may be acceptable, but I'm primarily referring to biasing the list by putting all your friends and their friends on. Don't sell list spots. This is not a good-ol'-boys club.

4. "Follow J2O's upload rules." An upload that breaks J2O's rules (See J2O's Upload Rules) has no place on your list, nor does it deserve a microsecond of publicity. Don't make it worse.

Oh, and no obscenity, please. Believe it or not, little kids actually DO read this stuff. That may not bother you, but it does me.

Here's a link to the Upload Rules.

5. "Be fair." Don't put something on your list that doesn't deserve to be there. Like illegal stuff. Or something that has twenty million reviews. It already has more than enough credit.

On the converse, don't ignore candidates for the list just because you don't like the uploader, or anything like that. Basically, no prejudice or cold-shouldering. That's just plain mean.

6. "Dig a little." Don't be afraid to scrounge around to find forgotten uploads. The last thing the list should cover is exclusively recent stuff. Mix it up a little. Find some stuff from long ago, some from yesterday, and some from today. There's a ton of perfectly good packs from as far back as ten years, so go hunt them down!

7. The Special Case Rule: "If it's important, list it!" If for any reason an upload has brought monumental change to J2O, yet is not commonly used, you are allowed to (reasonably) stretch any of these rules EXCEPT Rule Number One. If you discern that something is out there that could greatly alter the way things are, then spotlight it. It doesn't matter how much publicity it has: If it's not being used, remedy the situation.

This is a very sticky and complicated rule, so in general, I would strongly suggest you just leave it alone. I only mentioned it just in case it would ultimately prove important.

I think that about covers everything. Go list away!

My list:

1-"TSF to 1.23 J2L Convertor" by zapS

An incredible tool that simply cannot get enough credit. Allows you to take a TSF (1.24) level, which is incompatible with the standard Jazz (1.23) editor and engine technology, and convert the TSF level so that it can run with 1.23 Jazz 2.

And yes, I know it already has sixty gazillion reviews, which breaks Rule Number 5. The reason I put it on here is because, despite the fact that it has an almost perfect rating, is raved about by everyone AND has over 500 downloads, a great many levels in recent times are made for TSF only. This could be almost entirely avoided by using zapS's tool, and I hope to greatly diminish the number of 1.23-hostile uploads out there by bringing this to common knowledge.

This is an example of the proper use of Rule Number 7.

2-"Ambient Sound List" by Lark

Another amazingly awesome upload that's been grossly neglected. ASL is a complete (I do believe) listing of all one hundred twenty-something ambient sounds, providing great ease when you're looking for the perfect sound effect to enhance the mood of a stage. I found this upload very helpful when searching for 'bog' sounds for my Moonbeam Moore level.

3-"Winter Mountains" by Silver S.

Quaint, but quite well done. WM is the same battle level in two different settings, with different musics each time. There's a ton of room to run around in, and you can duck down into the surprisingly not-chilly water at the bottom of the level to hide from enemies.

4-"One Starry Night" by PT32

My first upload to J2O after nine months of internet silence. OSN is a clean, well-executed singleplayer pack nicely blending elements from Jazz 1 Holidaius and Jazz 2 Holidaius. Includes custom music.

5-"MHCTF" by VeggieMan

An interesting concept, Man Hunt CTF is a good level with considerable structure, well-placed events and smooth gameplay. The attempt at a custom gamemode is a clever creative touch.

6-"Angelic Warfare" by CelL and RagE

Using the revered Agama's Heaven tileset, RagE's level with CelL is a classic Jazz2 stage. Medium size, evenly distributed events and great gameplay. A successful level.

7-"Infernasium" by Cmdr Dats

While it may use a standard Jazz2 tileset (and with it, standard eyecandy), Infernasium is nonetheless an engaging level with lots of potential and opportunities for fond multiplayer memories.

8-"Diamond Mines" by Venom

Also a standardized eyecandy/tileset level, Diamond Mines is a decent battle level, with coin warps and lots of events. Very expansive. Pretty fun to play. I enjoyed it.

9-"An Impossible Mission 3: Red Rain" by Stijn

Cited by Stijn himself in his upload description as "the last level he's making", AIM3 is a solid level. Not as spectacular as some of the others on this list, it falters a little in the visual appeal category but still delivers on gameplay. Quality upload.

10-"Rock Haven" by Cmdr Dats

My final pick for this list. It does linger a little on the bland side (There's only so much you can do with a Rock tileset), but is still a great battle level. Lots of room to run around, plenty of guns to shoot people with, easy enough to get around in. I liked it. Good level.
Don't say "cannot," say "why not?"

Renascence: The Last Jackrabbit

Last edited by PT32; Apr 20, 2012 at 10:45 AM. Reason: Added some links.