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Jan 7, 2012, 07:16 PM
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Discuss and Question Theoretically the Finer Details of Plot

I was lying in bed last night around 1am and began thinking about Jazz's plot as I was on the JCF here. I began to wonder about some things in the series, so here we go, lets discuss miniscule plot details =D

Feel free to answer/create/pineapple your own ideas:

1) Why are there random power crates strewn through the wilderness?
2) Jazz is approximately the same size as a wild dog, AND a bee. Are him and the bee large, or are him and the dog small?
3) Why do tomato vines have alternate cyclic gravity but nothing else does?
4) Based on crustacean biology, crabs don't have a uterus, so why is the boss called Uterus?
5) If the lizards have advanced enough technology to have portable hover packs, why haven't they invented better weapon?
6) If you killed the Queen in level 2, and the father is seen as non-existant at the wedding, wouldnt that make Eva Queen beginning in Level 3?
7) Eva doesn't seem mad at the wedding her mother got killed by Jazz.....
8) If the rabbits are portrayed as having approximately medieval era technology, how are all the diamonds cut laser perfect?
9) Warps are invisible and have no technological basis, so WHAT exactly are they? mini wormholes?
10) When Jazz is sent back in time in Episodes 2 & 3 {its in the manual's plot synopsis}, why are all of the coins strewn around the universe modern currecny just as in the present?
11) If Devan can reanimate the dead (the skeletons) and make them stronger than almost any other baddie in the game, why not reanimate and strengthen dead bosses?
12) What kind of Pinball-based society lived in Tubelectric?
13) Why does Chuck (the bird) run away after you take slight damage? should a guardian work harder in that situation?
14) In JJ1, when flying through space between planets, where and what are the random bonus level highway roads?
