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ColdMetal is doing well so far

Jan 19, 2013, 01:56 PM
ColdMetal is offline
Just a thought, but if we were able to add a method to enable a server to change between two different multiplayer levels depending on which team were to win, that could lay the foundations for a new kind of game mode.

More specifically, if such an option were made available, I'm thinking a string of connected levels could be linked in this way by means of a configurable variable (ie. setting this to 5 for a series of five different maps) -- the difference here being that rather than looping through them, the server would move back and forth through the list depending on which team were to win, adjusting the variable accordingly for reference.

Once the variable hits zero or goes over the set maximum, the appropiate team "wins" the set, and the server changes the map to the starting level in the list (determined by options related to the variable) to begin the set again, as well as changing the variable to match the level's location in the list.

Were this functionality available, I believe a territory-based game mode could be created: when a team wins on a level, they "capture" that territory and drive the other team back to another level behind it (relative to the losing team). Basically, losing a battle does not mean that team loses the war, so to speak. The level on each end of the list would be the associated team's base and "last line of defense", so the opposing team would win the set and therefore game if they win on that level.

If it were possible to have this kind of JJ2+ functionality obtain the two level options from the level data itself rather than from a server-determined list, I believe an "assault" style approach would become possible: throw in some modifications to the Domination mode (a means to determine which team is attack and which is defending, a way to give the defending team the win once time runs out, a longer delay before capture and some way to indicate it, and also making a control point captured by the attackers not recoverable during that match), and I think a clever network of "versioned" levels between the first and last ones on the list could create a highly realistic atmosphere. If not possible, then I believe having this scrolling level list method be an option for Team Battle, Team Last Rabbit Standing, CTF, Death CTF, Flag Run, and Domination.

Of course, this would all simply be an automated method of having /autostop set to ON and manually changing the map server-side, but I believe it would enhance the overall JJ2+ experience, as well as serve as a foundation for other innovations in the future.