Originally Posted by plunK
-the Ability for JCS to load and run through JJ2+
Assuming you're using Plusifier rather than manually injecting the DLL every time (eech!) you can just name the result Jazz2.exe. JCS will use it then, as will things like CaptainCook. Renaming the original Jazz2.exe to, say, Jazz2notplus.exe, won't break anything.
Random idea: onTrigger function. As in, call it when the trigger is turned on (but not for remaining on). Maybe split into onTriggerOn (call when turned on), onTriggerOff (call when turned off), onTriggerSwitch (any change). You can imitate this with existing capabilities of course but it's a bit cumbersome and I'm worried about checking too many conditionals every frame (what if we go up to 256 trigger IDs some day?), though I suppose that probably isn't a concern nowadays.