Thread: Project Carrot
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JCF Éminence Grise

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May 9, 2013, 04:09 PM
Violet CLM is offline
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Zero speed layers are used from time to time for HUDish effects... look at e.g. Tomb Rabbit or Another Story, though those naturally assume a 640x480 resolution.

Here's what deactivating does, using some very verbose names:
object.pointerToBehaviorFunction = NULL;
//The object is no longer is counted as active,
and its location in memory may be overwritten at any later time.
if (object.wasCreatedDirectlyFromTheLayer4EventMap()) {
    eventMap[object.xTileOfCreation, object.yTileOfCreation] = object.eventID;
    //e.g. 158 for a peach, whatever. For the most part this is
    //redundant, but it does mean that when an object created
    //directly from the event map changes event ID, e.g. a spring
    //crate changing into a green spring, that change will be
    //permanent even if the object is later deactivated.
    setEventMapBit(object.xTileOfCreation, object.yTileOfCreation, 11, false);
    //The event map, of course, is a series of thirty-two bit slots
    //for each tile in layer 4. The first eight bits are used for the
    //event ID. The next three are used for the difficulty and the
    //"Illuminate Surroundings" checkbox. The bit after that is
    //whether the the object created by the event at that tile
    //has already been created or not: setting it to false tells JJ2
    //that the next time that tile comes into active memory, the
    //object should be created, since it hasn't been created already.