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Sep 20, 2013, 02:20 PM
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Originally Posted by AvalancheMaster View Post
I've decided to scrap that level I've been working on, not because of boredom, but because it was meant to be an exercise in map-making. It taught me what I wanted; so I've started working on two things simultaneously, one of them being a halloween-themed tileset. Gosh, why don't we have those here?

Here's a little preview. All done by me.

Mind that I'll probably use a lot of resources from opengameart, as I am too lazy, and they have tons of cool useful stuff just lying around that'd be a pity to go to waste.

It's because a lot of the community consider themselves bad at art, so they don't do tilesets, and/or they don't think it's worth the time. Also, I'd say the haunted TSF tileset is a pretty solid set for halloween, just lacking in backgrounds. Also, I recall the majority of Europe doesn't celebrate Halloween.

I think the reason people don't use opengameart, is that you'd be getting a lot of stuff from random artists that in the end, that the style clashes into a complete mess. That's what happened with Jelzes/Goldrabbit's level. Also, I could improve that pumpkin.

And PLEASE, don't forget you can use more than the JJ2 sprite pallette!

EDIT: During editing this, it looks like you haven't converted these to a pallette at all. They're close to the original sprite pallette, you should convert some of the colours that way.

Jazz Jackrabbit group:

Last edited by Treylina; Sep 20, 2013 at 03:14 PM.