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Oct 30, 2013, 05:28 PM
minmay is offline
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I want to make a TNT-like explosion with a custom radius. So basically I want to recreate what appears to be a part of BEHAVIOR::TNT, but I have no way to see inside that behavior, and mine needs to as close as possible. Any help? I have no idea what the shape should be, how the force parameter passed to onObjectHit should be calculated, etc.

EDIT: Aaand another question so soon. Anyone have the code (or just a mathematical description) for pickups bobbing up and down?
Seems that calling behave() with draw = false gets rid of it, which makes sense. But I want a pickup with its own sprite, and without the bobbing it looks jarringly out of place among the original pickups.
I'm having trouble replicating it from observation, e.g. it isn't in sync with other pickups and stops when shot by bullets but not when moved by belts...

Last edited by minmay; Oct 30, 2013 at 09:38 PM.