Originally Posted by Violet CLM
New screenshot dump
I tried out the vgm-mid-s3m-psm conversion series mentioned earlier... several songs (SYZ in particular) I couldn't find any version that wouldn't crash JJ1, and even the ones that would play audibly sounded like .mid files. Reckon I'll be sticking to the normal JJ1 tracks.
Look, my schedule is 9 am - 5 pm school, 8 pm - 4 am sleep.
Or in 24 hour time,
9 - 17 school, 20 - 4 sleep.
So I really don't have a lot of time to contribute valuable information except for on week ends.
But I'm sure I could make a .PSM file that's low enough in filesize.
You just have to start by making a .MOD.
Converting .MIDI to .MOD will ALWAYS break a .PSM because of the file size restrictions on importing a MIDI instrument into the .MID format, which is necessary in order to convert it to .MOD.
Let's just step back a bit...
MIDI has 7-bit sampling.
.PSM has 8-bit sampling.
That should be clear in comparisons between MS-DOS and Windows.
The trick is that in computing, a bit has 3 states- 0, 1 and neutral.