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Joined: Feb 2014

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Louis K is doing well so far

Jul 20, 2014, 03:46 AM
Louis K is offline
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Originally Posted by Slaz View Post
Your pencil drawings seem perfect enough to me, like the one in your sig. Just show your manual illustrations when you feel comfortable with the result. I never doubt your skills as an illustratist even while using a mouse.
Oh.. really thanks if you think so.. I tried it today but.. that was terrible..(F*ck it! I love pen art!)
and now, I'll tell you what I did today..

First of all, I needed some of materials for making the innerfoam of the gunbox.
and my choice, foamboard will pretty decent of it.

Next, I start to making it..
nah.. a bit hard and boring work..


Ugh!.. almost!..

(almost 3 hours later..)

Finally.. I made it..
and I put some things on here..

looks.. looks.. really great I think!..
it seems like some kind of official products!..

heh.. looks nice
Now, three things left - Manuals, Boxart, and introduce video!(video is almost finished but I'll show you later please wait!)

D - 10!!!
I'd like to hurry up!
1.Please understand my 'Stupid' english. I always sorry about that..어쩌면 재즈 잭 래빗을 즐기는 유일한 한국인..?
2.Well.. it just my opinion.

Or if you won't, then I'll kill you with this COOL weapon.