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Jul 20, 2014, 01:27 PM
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Originally Posted by CrimiClown View Post
I think it should be quite a bit deeper (more entwined with the dirt) and have little variations of spikes. For grassy spikes, I suggest making them look like this:

(I am not the greatest artist)

Starting off wide at the bottom with curved lines going up, slowly meeting up in the middle gives you the illusion that the player is walking on the grass and it's bent backwards, towards layer 5 (so you needn't bother with layer 3).

My two cents.
Please don't use RGB green. You can get away with using it in mechanical things, but in nature themes it looks ugly and clashes with everything else.

Also, for your tileset it would be convenient to upload as a gif/bmp for editing, so I have the pallette instantly too. I could improve it.

Anyway, the main problem I see is that theres no dedicated light source. It's like a texture was drawn on, but I don't get a feeling of contrast. Drawing the light/shade source first can help, then you can improvise on the textures by reshaping the shading and lighting.

Also, the stone pallette is way too limited. There's not enough shades to make it look smooth and they look slightly flat. You don't need to limit yourself so much when you stick to a colour scheme. The offical tileset pallettes are huge.

I made an edit. I made two versions of grass. One that more reflects what it looks like at the moment, and the other being an overhaul. I didn't completely edit the stones because it could take too long and so I wouldn't waste my time if you dislike the changes. The pixel gradient there was just for easy reference (and I added two shades of brown).

There's all sorts of ways to draw grass. After all, it's a symbol.

Jazz Jackrabbit group:

Last edited by Treylina; Jul 20, 2014 at 02:37 PM.