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Jul 25, 2014, 04:22 AM
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Originally Posted by AvalancheMaster View Post
One of the reasons I enjoy JJ2's artstyle is precisely the 256 colour palette. This forces tileset artists to use one or two main gradients that give each level its own atmosphere. All of our highly-rated tileset downloads have two colours with which you can "explain" them--"Heaven" is gold and sky blue, "Oasis" is brown and white, etc., etc. Same goes for JJ2. Now, I'm not saying that giving more colours to work with is a bad thing, but I do believe it would require unnecessary amount of work, and will change something fundamental to the game, without us knowing whether this change would be for good or not.

Moonblaze, if you've played any older sidescrollers (and I mean pre-'94), you'll know that a lot of them are ported to different platforms and computers with complete graphic overhauls. There are good examples there that a vivid world can still be beautifully represented even with an 8-colour limitation. A more modern example would be Disnay's Hercules, which got ported to PSP (IIRC), and had a lot of its sprites "cartoonified" without losing its charm.
Uh no offense dude, but only someone whose not an artist would make that kind of statement. An art style isn't defined by the color limit, it's defined by the style its drawn in. You can still draw traditional tilesets even with more colors available and there are hundreds of different art styles in the uploads on the site.

You mentioned Heaven and Oasis as examples of tilesets, but I knew the artist who drew them and Agama would never have chosen the color limit if she had a choice in the matter. She was a one of a kind artist who had serious talent for drawing in this limited medium. In fact I knew a lot of the artists whose drawn "top rated" tilesets, such as Skulg and Disguise (by the way, I'm up there too), and I'm pretty sure they'd pick freedom over restriction as well.

A 256 color palette is like having a nail through your hand while you draw. You can't use any modern tools because they all exceed the color limit in a heartbeat, so you either constantly do damage control to try and minimize the quality loss from color reduction or you manually pick out your colors and draw pixel by pixel. It takes ten times longer and it basically makes the whole process much harder than it needs to be. If you look at the Dust screenshot, it's clear Dean all had the freedom in the world to draw his world exactly the way he wanted it.

I don't wanna go all ranty here and this is mostly a question pointed at Violet and the team. I haven't been in the community for a very long time so I'm not really sure who I should be asking. I've improved vastly as an artist over the last few years and I'd love to make some jazz tilesets again with the full artistic skills I've developed. Seriously I have so many awesome ideas that I'd love to put to work with a free color range.

Originally Posted by Disguise View Post