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Dec 19, 2014, 11:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Primpy View Post
I deleted JJ2 from my computer because it had waaay to many maps (Like 200-300).
Or you could've deleted the levels instead, or opened them in JCS and ticked hide in home cooked levels (by clicking tools then selecting level properties). I use a password cracker if I can't access the level.

I have way more than 200-300 levels. I don't mind at all. I have a lot of WIPs and like having a big archive.

I don't rely on HCL to open levels most of the time, as I find it one of the most tedious and unreliable ways to open levels. I only use it to see what levels are lying around, and I try to use "run..." for SP instead, which opens the level instantly without going into JJ2;

"C:\Games\Jazz2tsf\jazz2.exe sedec -turbo -spaz"
You need to know the directory of the folder, though. If you leave the difficulty and character as blank, it defaults to Jazz and medium. I renamed my Jazz2+.exe for convenience with JCS. I find the run program, by typing it in the start menu search bar.

Originally Posted by Jelly Jam View Post
Does that effect all of the powerups or just the electroblaster one (and probably pepper spray)?
You should really look at the plus readme. Ctrl + F is your friend (then type strongpowerups and you should find out specifically what it does).

"When enabled, pepper spray and electro-blaster will deal 2 hearts of damage when powered up. (Server must be running latest version of JJ2+.)"
If doesn't affect other powerups because it doesn't mention it.

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