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JCF Éminence Grise

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Jan 4, 2015, 12:18 PM
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Originally Posted by Primpy View Post
word which is considered to mean "gay person" (Which is ironical since she's a girl).
Originally Posted by Primpy View Post
It's not that easy, you know. How do you expect dumb people like me to script something? That's the reason we need more gamemodes.
So, I stand by my position that there's not a substantial difference between someone making you a feature in C++ vs. someone making you the same feature in AngelScript. Depending on the feature in question, one will be easier than the other, but it's still someone else doing the coding. You state your misgivings that anyone would write AS code for you (though I don't see why the same misgivings don't apply to C++), and that's understandable, but I do reiterate that there are various examples of collaborations in the downloads section, and the AngelScript Requests & Help thread has cases of code being provided for specific requests.

What I think you have to understand here is that people--on this forum, and also elsewhere--are more inclined to lend advice or other help to someone who's already gotten started. If you have an idea for something, it helps if you show you've already done some of the work, and it's just this specific issue or this specific bug or whatever that you could use help with. But conversation in this thread has gotten pretty heated on both sides, and without at least waiting for things to calm down a bit, this may not be the place for you to get that help right now.

But you posted a screenshot showing that you downloaded AngelScript from its website! That's awesome! It didn't happen to be the correct thing to do, but that's a mistake I've definitely made myself (with a different framework) and it shows a very admirable willingness to give it a try, especially after your past negative experiences with programming. Good try.

As it happens, though, getting started with JJ2+'s AS implementation is much simpler than that, and takes only a text editor. For instance, try creating a file named "Castle1.j2as". Paste the following into the file:
void onLevelLoad() {
Then run the level (in JJ2+). Does the specific result look good? Not especially. But that tiny bit of structure, that single onLevelLoad declaration, is all you need to get some code running, followed by any number of further additions. No massive additional downloads or anything like that.

If this forum environment isn't working for you, I'd be happy to chat with you over Skype or some other IM client of your choice and talk you through getting started until you feel more comfortable with the language. Even if you don't end up an AS master--and I completely understand that different people find different subjects difficult, e.g. I would never want to try making my own music, but other people find it much easier than stuff that I personally have no problem with--just being able to write some code will make other people that much more willing to help you out with specific questions.

So if you'd be interested in chatting, let me know. I've got nothing scheduled today. But the reality, unfortunate or not, is that features that can be implemented in AS are less likely to be implemented directly in JJ2+ at this point, because that's in part why we added AS in the first place. (Gamemodes are admittedly somewhere in-between, because there's not currently a working framework for true custom gamemodes in AS, but you can come pretty close... stuff like Bank Robbery and Assassination only took JCS, after all!)

(@Jelly Jam: Would you mind taking further questions to the Requests & Help thread instead? This thread here is broad enough it's hard to accuse it of getting exactly "off-topic," but that thread is devoted to AS questions, and people will visit it (or not) with that idea already in mind, and besides, posting in it makes other people more likely to remember that it exists, leading to more discourse, etc.!)