Nope. It won't affect a thing on your monitor. It will only make 4:3 aspect ratio resolutions like that [Putting black bars]. If you enabled this option, nothing will happen if u run on 16:9/ 10 resolution, no black bars will be formed. You can try it. If you use monitors that can be configured [aspect ratio] within itself, changing settings in GPU drivers wont work at all. So my suggestion, Just make the widescreen mode to "auto".
I can show you a screenshot of how I change my monitor settings if you want.
Oh, and thanks for helping with intro skipping. Really appreciate it
Edit: Oh, if you play JJ2 fullscreen with aspect ratio fixed. It wont look bad even with low res textures. In 19" monitor it looks good. In 42" monitor it will be a bit bad. But I'm sure you wont stay only one hand distant from such big monitor. If you remain 2 hands away from such big monitor, JJ2 will just look good in fullscreen. Also it runs way smoother in fullscreen mode (Not in windows 8 ofcourse) .
Its just my opinion. I don't know how will it be to you.
Just Monika
Last edited by SAMI; Jan 22, 2015 at 12:28 AM.