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Blaze The Movie Fan

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Jan 12, 2016, 02:42 PM
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Originally Posted by PurpleJazz View Post
Some of the things you have praised and critiqued in your review for RabbitCity 2 are weirdly arbitrary.

Why would an abundance of Tuf Turtles be a good thing aside from the fact you consider them your favourite enemy? Why do dead ends supposedly make the levels more fun? What's so exciting about the prospect of having a few mild swear words in a JJ2 episode? Why would shamelessly pasting the Coca-Cola logo into the tileset make the whole upload inherently better, and what impact does this have on the overall theme? What's the big deal with the floppy disks, especially considering that very little in JJ2 actually makes logical sense in the first place?

You're entitled to your own opinions of course, but it always helps to try to back your statements up. Otherwise, it can make it seem as if you're being biased. For the most part, your review barely discusses the upload at all, and instead just cherry picks a few random things that you liked; of which many of these points are just to do with your own particular preferences and not about the actual quality of the upload itself. You're allowed to have tastes for certain aspects of level design, but in future try to justify why specific traits like these make the upload better.

Also, take review helpfulness ratings with a pinch of salt. Often people will down-vote reviews simply because they disagree with them, and not always because they are bad; although often both will be the case if the arguments for a particular rating are weak.
Thank you, to be honest I think I'm gonna take a break from the game Jazz Jackrabbit 2 now asides from working on my next project.

I do acknowledge that I'm not good at reviewing levels, and the negative helpfulness really discourages me from reviewing any more levels, in fact I think I'm gonna stop reviewing levels for at least a week.