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JCF Éminence Grise

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Mar 13, 2016, 10:33 PM
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TrueColor library for AngelScript


I wrote a library that lets you draw sprites using colors that aren't present in the level palette, runnable in the currently released version of JJ2+. It basically recreates much of the jjPIXELMAP, jjANIMFRAME, and jjDraw* code but with a special trick to get around the palette limitations. Even if you don't care about colors, if you're really not a python user, you might like that it reads graphics from .bmp files instead of custom .j2a files.

A sample script, beach2.j2as, is provided that makes the Fish enemies use the piranha sprites from Spelunky HD.

To use, write
#include "TrueColor.asc"
in your script file and then use some portion of the API, which is all described in the opening comment of truecolor.asc. Alternatively, look through beach2.j2as and copy+paste mercilessly until you've got everything working.

Further updates may or may not occur, but I didn't feel this was ready for a J2O upload just yet.