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Jun 4, 2016, 03:11 PM
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Stuff you do instead of JJ2..and my old-ish plans

I figured there was a thread like this, but it only involved real life matters. So here's a place to answer for potential no-lifers *cough*.

As for me, I moved onto other games. I also lurk the internet and chat a little more on Discord. I also try to draw but lack the motivation (my anatomy and perspective is still bad - don't bother bringing out that tired old generic "practice makes perfect" drivel that everyone and their pet rock can say). I also attempt to speedrun, with mixed results. Still, I check online JJ2 every now and then.

As for my JJ2 plans.. Let's be honest, JJ2 may be on its last legs (I expect it to be like this for a couple more years, before finally RIP). I try to care for this game, but I've been lacking the drive to levelmake, organise events and host contests lately.

I was going to plan an (UN)nniversary this summer, but I'm not sure if there would be enough people interested. Basically, it's a casual event goes through all the AB maps - CTF and Battle. It's a leap through time. I wouldn't be hosting this time, just organising the levellist. It will either take place in July or August, during the summer holidays. Last years was on May, which I believe was too close to the bash.

As for a contest, I thought of a create-a-boss contest. It fits the desired result of an "other" contest..sort of. Entrants would type and/or draw basic diagrams what their boss would be like. However, instead of cash being the prize, the prize would be their boss becoming completely playable, with custom animations made from scratch! They say time is money - so with my animation, you're actually getting something worth more than any of my money.

As for other non-JJ2 products, I've considered starting some game project. Probably a free, short and silly one and a more serious, somewhat ambitious one I will do on the side, since I care about the latter more. Do not ask about joining - it will not end well.

So, my questions: What do you do instead of JJ2? How longer will the community last? Would you consider taking part in any of my events?

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