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Jelly Jam is doing well so far

Oct 30, 2016, 07:14 AM
Jelly Jam is offline
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I just realized my favorite gamemode is test. Been playin em since I started playing JJ2 online. In fact, now I realise that the reason I always sucked at CTF is that I was so good at tests. In other words, I played tests more than CTF. There was a period when I was 4th in every test in Puke. I was never much of a speedrunner, but I was capable of passing even the hardest tests. I became better at CTF later though, at least as a teamplayer. I'm one of those people who had or still have a 10 CTF matches per day habit.

Even though that Spaz is better at multiplayer, and I like Spaz tests more, in SP I prefer Jazz. For some reason it feels a lot better. Ever since I first played JJ2 I played SP as Jazz. Dunno why, probably because of the ability to fly over many enemies.

Hardly ever played as Lori. Streetfight only, really.

Also, that's an interesting signature you have there, you-know-who.