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Jelly Jam is doing well so far

Oct 30, 2016, 03:47 PM
Jelly Jam is offline
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You should come to bashes and JDC events at the very least, if you have time and the possibility to do so, that is.

Yeah, tests require much patience. But I find test servers more like places to talk to, unless you're preety obessed with beating your own time.
Treylina's doublejump method, btw.

Too bad you don't join the CTF servers though. I too think that SP is fun, especially with the new AS stuff, but playing a game or twenty is just as fun. You probably gave up the first time bcs: 1. You don't know the map; 2. Have no clue what CTF codes are; 3. People constantly telling you.thst you're a noob.

In case ya wanna beggin with CTF again, here's some basic advice:

1. Learn the popular maps, and later the mappool maps. You can't play any CTF match if ya have not studied the map first. Just run around it before you play a game, find the basic routes, fastest routes to the CTF bases, powerup boxes' positions, carrot positions, and measure the spawn time (for the carrot it's usually 30 seconds or something like that).
2.Learn CTF codes, they're preety easy and help a lot. In case you did not notice, holding shift when pressing T activates teamchat. When someone is teamchatting, he or she will have [ ] around his or her name. This way the enemy team has no clue what you're about to do, though prediction is not a hard skill. When your teammate tells you 1 or 2 or 3, it means his health is, y'know, 1,2,3... If the flagholder of your team has low health, you need to get ready to recapture the flag when he dies, or else the enemy will score. If you by chance hit the enemy's, just say e2 or e1, which means that the enemy's flagholder's health is 1 or 2. When you're sure that his health is low, but don't know if it's 1 or 2, just say elow. If the enemy's flagholder is at his base, it means he's waiting for your team's flagholder to die so he can score. When he's prepared to score, you say es. When you killed the enemy's flagholder and you're sure that your teammate can rush to the base to score a point before the other players, say s. Also, when you're sure you can kill the enemy, and want your flagholder to prepare for scoring a point, also say S. When the flagholder says S, it means he's prepared, and will most likely say his health in the same message, s3, for an example. When your flagholder is about to die, and your ready to recapture, say r. You should also say your health, r3 or r1 for an example. When you don't want your flagholder to prepare to score, say ns, or when your flagholder thinks it's safer not to score, he'll say ns. When the carrot is there, say c so your flagholder can eat it. Don't eat it unless you're the flagholder or your flagholder is 3. When you or someone else eats the carrot, or when it just isn't there yet, say nc. When you shoot the čarrot down or see someone else do it, say cd. Though in some maps it can be shot left or right from the spawn point, say cl or cr or something. When you're camping around the carrot, or waiting for it to respawn, say cc. When you see the enemy's flagholder eat the carrot say e3nc, or just e3, everyone will get it that it's been eaten. When you're waiting for the bouncer powerup to spawn, say cb, meaning camping bouncers. Same goes for the rest of the powerups (cs seekers, cr RF, ct toaster, cf or cp for pepper or the fireball, and probably ce for the electroblaster). When you've taken a PU say bt for bouncers, st seekers, rt RF, tt toaster, ft or pt for pepper, and et for electroblaster. When you have no ammo, say na. When you don't want your flagholder to die, tell him dd, use this in case you want to get ready in time or sth like that. remember to combine messages to one, like r3na, though this is not a must to do. Just make sure your teammates see the messages.
3. Just ignore the people, man. They don't really mean it, they're just pissed cuz they lost. I had lots of those people 3 years ago.
4.Experiment with ammo, the enviroment... Shoot bouncers at places where the enemy can come up from, shoot RF through horizontal passages while running, because it's faster. Boost yourself with RF, shoot carrots down using bouncers or electroblaster, don't go to dead ends for no reason, always approach a powerup and sidekick it cuz that way you'll get 50 of it. There's lots of tactics. Oh and always use Spaz, doublejump makes him get a lot quicker than jazz and lori.

I hope this was usefull and that you read it.