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Jan 20, 2017, 12:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Roobar View Post
Why I can't hear music in A Generic Single Player Level II? There are no instructions in the readme of how to install it. It only requires the latest version of JJ2+, which I downloaded.
Try this:

SuperJazz tried an old version of bass.dll and it played neve.s3m fine, which is known not to work (aka not play at all) on newer versions.


[21:45:17] PurpleJazz: I fixed the problem by taking Neve.umx from my Unreal folder and saving it an s3m
[21:45:26] PurpleJazz: that then works

Sorry for the off-topicness, just wanted to help though I think the above post could've been posted somewhere more relevant.

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