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Dec 3, 2017, 01:52 PM
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The parallax view style is not changing. Whenever I try JCS again nowadays it is just a severe downgrade in that regard.

Originally Posted by Darkhog View Post
How about, for the events that have the associated graphic in it, like enemies, gems, etc., in parallax view the event could be shown as a graphic for that item, so you can see how the level would look like more or less with all items spawned without actually launching the game.
I think WebJCS implements this, or at least DJazz was talking about it... it's never been a high priority for me, though, because I've never found the text event names particularly uninformative. Also it would be an unnecessary, inaccurate distraction if the level someone was working on had a script that replaced an object with something else. Also it would be pretty tedious to assemble all the different sprite sheet images (and note down each individual sprite's coordinates) for the various different games MLLE supports.

Another thing would be a built-in AngelScript editor with syntax highlighting so you can create and edit associated script for that level. A third-party editor for the Super Mario Bros X that is now bundled with SMBX (long story) does something similar.
I've thought about this, but Notepad++ is so much better than anything I could embed in MLLE, especially if you get SE's plugin to work. Also I think it's a lot better having the script in a separate window from the level editor, because that way you have maximum flexibility for editing script and layout at the same time. Even if somebody does come up with a much better AngelScript editor than Notepad++, it should be able to be run on its own.