Now, I understand the post below is three years old, but still:
Originally Posted by Stijn
Apparently the new version indeed does not work on Windows XP (though it's worth trying if it works for you anyway). If you are still using XP you are stupid and deserve to lose your files to ransomware. It hasn't been updated or supported by Microsoft for years and it's full of security holes.
As someone who had to main a very underpowered Windows XP box (i'm talking 512MB RAM 933MHz underpowered) for a little more than 10 years, especially on Venezuela(g), I feel a little offended.
Sure, it ran Windows 7 with Aero (nvidia geforce fx 5200), but as explained from the specs above, not a really good idea. The latest Ubuntu version that supported NVIDIA-173 drivers for my graphics card was 14.04, and I liked performance on my games, so yeah, I had to improvise on XP during all those years. Like how Teeworlds 0.7's binary downloads didn't work on Windows XP so I compiled it from source myself.
Nowadays I have two laptops with Windows 7 and Windows 10 on them (I main the former), but I had to go through quite a lot while I was on that old rig.
play teeworlds
Last edited by juanpablo123; Jun 22, 2020 at 04:39 AM.