Thread: JCS Awards 2020
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Jan 17, 2021, 01:33 PM
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The Results

Best Battle Level of 2020

Hellfire - FawFuL [8.75]
Illumination - PurpleJazz [4.5]
The Abyss - PurpleJazz [4]

Runners up: Moonrise - PurpleJazz [2.25], Party Crash Landing - cooba [2.25], Bubble gum - Lynx [2], Salem - Loon [1.25], Single Screen 4 Example Level - Ragnarok [1]

Best Battle Level is typically one of the hotly contested categories each year. Rather appropriately, FawFuL really turned up the heat this time, with his aptly named Hellfire! You're guaranteed to have one hell of a time in this level. Okay, silly puns aside, this is one fantastic level - one that truly demonstrates FawFuL's mastery of JJ2 level design. No doubt it will become a regular feature of future editions of JDC and the Anniversary Bash. Big thanks to those who voted for my levels - I feel happy to have produced works that are runners up to what might possibly be Faw's magnum opus!

Best CTF Level of 2020

Crayon Valley - FawFuL [6.25]
Frosted Peaks - PurpleJazz [5.75]
Goliath Woods - PurpleJazz [5]

Runners up: Hollow of the Haunted - cooba [4], Provance - Loon [3.25], Sommerdamm - Loon [1]

Double victory for FawFuL! Taking home the Best Battle and the Best CTF awards home in a single year is no mean feat, so kudos! Crayon Valley is pretty far removed thematically from the infernal depths of Hellfire, taking place in a pastel wonderland. It's got a pretty nifty layout with some fun strategies to pull off, and is well worth trying a 3vs3 in! Once again, I'd like to say thanks for giving your votes to my levels! I'd also like to give a personal recommendation to Hollow of the Haunted, which just missed out on a podium position but is nonetheless definitely worth your time.

Best Single Player Release of 2020

Operation: Clone Killer 3 - Violet CLM [9.25]
Mighty Switch Test! 2! - Violet CLM [6]
Project Reject - Lynx [2.75]
The Even More Secret Files - Assassin [2.75]

I don't suppose anyone's surprised to see Violet claim yet another award for Best SP Release, but that doesn't make it any less deserved! Operation: Clone Killer 3 is one behemoth of an SP level that basically encapsulates the JJ2 experience, but multiplied by several factors. Go big, or go home I say! It packs a plethora of intriguing ideas, and is also really rather pretty to look at (more on that later). Furthermore, it's also worth replaying multiple times! Mighty Switch Test! 2! is a great sequel to the original that makes key improvements where it really counts, while feeling remarkably fresh. Congratulations to Project Reject and The Even More Secret Files for getting a third place tie! The former is a short-but-sweet episode with some light scripting and a humorous premise, while the latter is a love letter to the golden age of classic JJ2 Single Player.

Best Single Screen Level of 2020

Moonrise - PurpleJazz [12]
street fight!!!!!!! - cooba [3.75]

Bubble gum - Lynx [3.75]
Single Screen 4 Example Level - Ragnarok [2.75]

Runners up: Tiny village - Lynx [1.75], Quarrel over Banners - cooba [1.5]

This category had a clear winner, based on your votes. Thank you so much! I'm really satisfied with how Moonrise turned out, and I had an awful lot of fun making it. Well done to cooba and Lynx for getting a 2nd place tie!
street fight!!!!!!! is punk rock to the core, decked out in SHOCKING PINK and packing a serious punch in the gameplay department. Not a level I'd like to encounter on a walk down the street anytime soon! Bubble gum is rather twee by comparison, and has an interesting combination of tilesets with a solid layout. Definitely a good choice for ODT events! Props to Ragnarok for inspiring me to enter the Single Screen contest in the first place with his quirky example level.

Best Eyecandy of 2020

Illumination - PurpleJazz [5.75]
Hellfire - FawFuL [5.5]
Operation: Clone Killer 3 - Violet CLM [3.5]

Runners up: Crayon Valley - FawFuL [3.25], Party Crash Landing - cooba [2.5], Frosted Peaks - PurpleJazz [1.5], Goliath Woods - PurpleJazz [1.25], Greenflower Jungle - dragusela768943 [1], Provance - Loon [1], The Abyss - PurpleJazz [1]

What constitutes good eyecandy is often highly subjective from person to person, so it's no surprise to see that this was quite a divisive category. Only a quarter of a vote seperated the first and second place finishers this time, but ultimately there was a winner - thank you! I've been wanting to make a glowing mushroom cave level ever since I first encountered Blackreach in Skyrim. I feel I have a lot to owe to FawFuL and his level Hellfire, though. Hellfire is the level that really showcases the power of additional layers in JJ2+, and no doubt Hellfire was a massive influence on Illumination. Operation: Clone Killer 3 is probably JJ2's most visually ambitious level yet when it comes to the fine details, as enhanced by AngelScript. Like Hellfire, it also has quite the spectacle of a background!

Best Level Script of 2020

Mighty Switch Test! 2! - Violet CLM [8]
Operation: Clone Killer 3 - Violet CLM [6.25]
The Abyss - PurpleJazz [3.25]

Runners up: street fight!!!!!!! - cooba [2], Party Crash Landing - cooba [1.5], Project Reject - Lynx [1.25]

Violet CLM once again proves herself to be quite the script wizard! Both of her levels this year do some marvellous things with AngelScript and are well worth checking out. Thank you for awarding The Abyss with third place! P.S. has anyone managed to find the dopefish yet?

Best Tileset of 2020

Tubelectric from Jazz 1 - proud2beamerican [8.5]
Halloween Hare - chandie [7.5]

While neither are original tilesets, both are of great value to JCSers. p2ba's Tubelectric from Jazz 1 is now the definitive conversion of the tileset, greatly improving on the flexibility while staying completely true to the original vision. Halloween Hare by chandie does some pretty quirky things to HH98, taking it away from winter and towards more of a surreal Halloween-y theme. No doubt an imaginative JCSer should be able to put this set to great use!

Best JCSer of 2020

PurpleJazz [9.5]
FawFuL [5.5]
Violet CLM [5]

Runners up: cooba [3.25], Loon [1.75], Lynx [1.25], Assassin [1]

Thank you so much for naming me as Best JCSer - I am truly moved! I'm not sure I would've even released anything this year if not for the pandemic, but I'm so glad that I did. However, I do honestly believe that FawFuL and Violet would be so much more deserving of this award - despite releasing fewer levels than me between them, I feel that these two really pushed the boat out this year when it comes to innovation, far more than I did with my levels. Massive props to both of them! I'd also like to give a shoutout to cooba for likewise coming up with some really cool ideas in 2020.

Most Improved JCSer of 2020

Lynx [12.5]
Assassin [4.75]
Jgke [4.25]

Another category with a clear winner - congratuations to Lynx! She has shown incredible progress this year and I eagerly look forward to what she may have in store in years to come. I'm also delighted to see a veteran in Assassin return after many years of absence, and what a comeback they made!

Best New JCSer of 2020

dragusela768943 [11]
Ahmed Magdy [4.5]
MasterMan [3.25]

Well done to dragusela for being named as the Best New JCSer of 2020 by our community! Your levels show definite talent and I urge you to keep making more in 2021. Congratulations to Ahmed Magdy and MasterMan for taking the runner up awards!

Thank you to everyone who participated the voting, and to everyone for making 2020 a fine year in the JCS scene, despite the terrible pandemic! Now here's to hoping that we finally beat the virus in 2021, and to another great year of Jazzy creations!

Last edited by PurpleJazz; Jan 17, 2021 at 02:06 PM.