Thread: Pinball Contest
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Mar 18, 2022, 02:07 PM
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Pinball Contest

It's time again for another loosely defined contest highlighting another one of JJ2's less common features! This time you are charged with creating a JJ2 playable experience somehow relating to pinball! The most obvious way to do this, of course, is using one or more of the pinball events: the flippers, the 500 bumper, and the carrot bumper. But maybe you have other ideas? A "playable experience" is most probably a level, but it could be multiple levels, or a mutator, or a .j2as for an existing level, I don't know, whatever feels right to you.

Whatever you make, though, it must be a new release! And as ever you're free to double-submit, like if you make a pinbally Battle or CTF level before April 6th it might go in this year's Anniversary Bash, or if you make a pinbally assault level you may also submit it to the Assault the Base Contest.

Our prize this time is a Steam key for Yoku's Island Express, a 2D platformery game where you spend most of your time as a pinball bouncing around colorful pinball tables with graphics reminiscent of the Ori series. Or we can negotiate, but that seems the most fitting.

Submissions close on April 18th, or else one week after the first submission, whichever of those two dates is later.