Here's Sky.Texture rendered using the following AngelScript (with Diamondus 1's palette):
jjPIXELMAP texture(256,256);
jjSTREAM file("Sky.Texture");
for (uint y = 0; y < 256; ++y)
for (uint x = 0; x < 256; ++x)
Yes, it's exactly JJ2's normal textured background. Appears byte-identical.
Except for Menu.Palette, all the palettes from data.j2d appear to be designed for showing this texture, since they all define colors only in the 176-207 range and are otherwise black.
Menu.Palette appears to be the same as JJ2's Menu.Palette, except the alpha bytes in every RGBA byte sequence are 255 (0xFF) in Melk and 0 (0x0) in JJ2.