Thread: Conquests
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Coppertop is doing well so far

Feb 12, 2002, 02:49 PM
Coppertop is offline
Wink (Bleakly)Ha, ha

So very funny, defalcon. This is page three, remember? (Actually, Conquerer got to six pages before it ended.)

I take it by your silence that you agree...
Therefore, I, Coppertop, do claim this 3rd page with all due pomp and gratefullness (cough, choke, splutter) from the gracious defalcon! Ha HA! I rule ALL!

Right, well. Now for the story ... short, I agree, but the original was too long to post all in one piece

Copper looked down, her face reflecting worry. The blip on the scanners was still quite small, but somehow she knew that it was going to get bigger before they reached it. A lot bigger.
"Copper, got a read on it," KRSplat offered. "Do tell," the pilot said sarcastically.
"All right. Nightdweller, unknown class of self-sufficient interstellar ship/base. Most probably used as a HQ of some sorts. Lifeforms detected; mostly rabbits, felines and squirrels, the occasional Kronan. Some unindentified species, probably the Deathless Ones. No breaches of the hull detected; craft has been sensed within. Hull made of an unknown material. It looks magical, Copper," he added. "Uh ... All known lifeforms on board are unhealthy, excepting the Kronans. That's all."
"Sounds like a prison vessel," Claw growled. Copper nodded her agreement. "How far away is it?"
"Uh ... twenty leagues away. The planet's closer. We can avoid it by coming in the night side, then skirting underneath the clouds. They're pretty low, though, so you're going to have to pilot well ..."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence, KRSplat. Nice to know that someone thinks I can do it," Copper retorted. Maneuvering the Darkspray fighter lightly around the small pieces of space debris, she pushed the throttle to full and sat back.