Thread: To the North!
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Mar 29, 2001, 01:57 PM
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OK, I modified it a little. Tell me if I missed any problems.

Note A: I removed the original notes.

Chapter 1: The great white north:

A small black speck traveled across the vast area of snow and ice that is the north. It was a sheep, and very pleased with herself. The sheep was called Blacksheep, named so because of the color of her fur. Blacksheep walked along carrying a sleeping bag, supplies, provisions, food, vittles, munchies, chow, (get the picture?) etc... The sheep looked around, nobody about. Blacksheep dumped a small frozen rabbit, a stuffed penguin and a electric blanket on the snow. She proceeded to lay the blanket on the rabbit and run away quietly, grinning evilly.

Ducky woke up in the north, about 100 miles from where last she was. Then she remembered. This couldn't have happened! She, an owner of the War Tavern, left to die in the north by the traitorous Blacksheep with nothing but an electric blanket and Chatters the stuffed penguin? Then she saw a movement, someone was coming closer, closer, HANK? What was he doing here?

A year later...

Kovu, Blacksheep, Cheeze, Elias and BBoy were sitting in various chairs throughout the War Tavern. Bluez had left the counter and was pouring beer into BBoy's mug. Cheeze spoke. "OK, BBoy. You 've gotten your drink, now continue the story! And Bluez, can I have some CHEESE!?!?" BBoy drained his glass and continued; "There we were, Ducky, Roaster and I. The gates had just been opened and we were preparing to enter when..." He was interrupted by his own thoughts, he spoke again, but not the story. "Whatever happened to Ducky anyway? I haven't seen her in about a year." Blacksheep, hearing this, ran for the door. Elias morphed into a Jaguar and pouncd onto Blacksheep. "You seem to know something about this, speak up, don't be shy." Blacksheep choked from the weight and cried out "All right! All right!!! I'll tell! Just GET OFF OF ME!!!" Elias morphed back to rabbit and closed the doors. "A little more then a year ago I asked Ducky to help me with a slight problem..."

Hank walked back to the Base Camp for the HAD explorers, Ducky was the only one there, quite natural as they were the only two in HAD. Hank bonked the lumpy sleeping bag on where he assumed the head would be. "Wakey Wakey! Big news!" Ducky slowly woke up, groaning. "I'm up, OK? What is the matter, global warming?" Hank laughed. "No, but there are a bunch of people around the northren end, I think they live there." "People live here? Is this wasteland?" "Well, you and I do." "Yeah, but you're only here because you can't leave without dieing and I'm only here because I'm trying to help you with your trouble." "And after you're done you'll leave, right?" "Right." Hank's spirits fell. If only he had the guts to tell her the truth, the whole truth.

Chapter 2: Expedition to the North!

"Naturally, being the kind and generous duck she is, she agreed." continued Blacksheep, "And when I told her what I wanted, she was estatic! Can you imagine that a DUCK would actully WANT to work as top secret R.O.A.R. Agent? Well, she did!" Bluez poured her a drink, even if she was a sheepy sneak, I mean a sneaky sheep, this was still a OK story. "So, she went to the department I told her to, naturally manned by a worker who had sworn allegiance to ME! And asked if she could apply for the job. As I ordered, the guy gave her the job instantly. She worked steadily for a few weeks, collecting information about Four Leaking Emu Eggs Corporation Estimations, or FLEECE for short. FLEECE was the visionary department of my company, Four Leaking Emu Eggs, which specialized in making Bricks. The reason my employee in R.O.A.R. told her to do this was that I wanted to find out how much information from FLEECE leeked out to spies. But one day Ducky got suspicious when she me talking to one of the FLEECE employees." Blacksheep paused, as if she didn't want to say anymore. Her listeners were so totally enwrapped in the story that they had stopped whatever they were doing at the time. Cheeze had a piece of cheese halfway to his mouth, BBoy was stuck in mid-yawn and the flagon Bluez was holding was pouring out into Kovu's overflowing cup. At last Elias shook off whatever spell had been holding him and said: "You still haven't told us what you did to Ducky, or is she still working for FLEE pretending to be ROAR while spying on FLEECE?" "No, no, I was just getting to that. She quacked on reflex when she saw me there and I heard her there. I dismissed the other guy and walked over to Ducky. She started talking about how something was wrong so I saw I had only one path of action I brained Ducky over the head with a spanner and put her, a nearby penguin toy called Chatters and an electric blanket in a bag and set off. The next day I had reached the North. I emptied the bag there. Ducky was frozen so I put the elctric blanket on her. That was all over a year ago, I haven't seen her since." Kovu jumped up. "What? That means an, Expetidition to the North!" Kovu ran wildly into a wall and collapsed. BBoy put on a sailor's hat and struck a jaunty pose. "Who are you supposed to be?" Asked Bluez, "Me? I am Peary but you can call me......... BBoy!"

Hmmm.... Should I make this an open story?