Thread: To the North!
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JCF Éminence Grise

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Mar 31, 2001, 02:56 PM
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Chapter 7: To the South!

"Well, I suppose now that BBoy is "soberized" we should be going?" inquired Cheeze, his voice slightly muffled by a large piece of cheese in his mouth. Kovu woke up, he had fallen asleep counting rafters on the War Tavern roof. "Huh? Oh. Yeah, I guess we should." Blacksheep, Kovu, Cheeze, BBoy, Elias and BB walked out the door at last, Bluez staying to bar tend.

Several hours later they reached the south pole. "Um.... Does anybunny think we went the wrong way?" asked Elias, looking at all the Penguins around them. BB spoke up, seacrching inside his backpack. "I may not be a bunny but I think we did. Um... Here it is! I think..." BB drew a small superball thing out of the backpack. "What does THAT do?" asked Cheeze, grabbing it from Batty to take a better look. He dropped it, however, when it started to grow, and grow, and grow.

Ten minutes after that the whole group of them were skating around except for Batty Buddy, who was searching through his backpack for something, throwing out stuff like bombs, ACME jet packs, inflatable life raft spray and ten ton anvils. Blacksheep, skating a figure 0, said "Nice job finding the ACME ice skates, BB. I'll admit I was scared when your compact perfume bottles started uncompacting." "Yeah," said Kovu, skating circles around BBoy, "I just wonder what's weird about these ice skates. I mean, doesn't ACME make stuff that works oddly? Hey, what does this button do?" So saying, Kovu pressed the button and went skating off at light speed. He stopped a instant later when he crashed into a ice berg a few miles away. As the others rushed after Kovu Elias asked "You ever considered patenting that backpack, BB?" When they finaly reached the ice berg Kovu was just regaining consciousness. "Yes mister president, I got the number of that broccoli, it wasn't armed..." BBoy turned to BB. "You got a stretcher in there, by any chance?"

Several days later (You wouldn't belive the things that happened on the way like the time a flamethrower weapon from BB's backpack melted all the ice around them so they had to wait for hours until they drifted over to solid ground) they reached the War Tavern again. After getting a few beers and dropping off Cheeze who had said that if the North was anywhere NEAR as cold he wasn't coming they set off for the North.

Ducky looked over the Great White North in search of the other residants Hank had spoken of. She could not see a thing. At home she would have tried using her staff and it probably would have WORKED, too. But it had been taken from her by the evil Blacksheep, who knows what plans she was cooking up with it this very second?

Sorry, no chapter 8 today. Serious writer's block.